Chapter 1

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"GET OUT OF MY SCHOOL AND NEVER COME BACK! I BETTER NOT SEE ANY OF YOUR FACES AGAIN!" Principle Akainu growls at the group of students.

Corazon chuckles nervously, standing next to his son and his friends. "But sir, is there any way you can give them a second chanc-"

"NO! I apologize Mr. Donquixote, but this is the last time I can tolerate these kids, your son, Law, didn't necessarily cause any damage, but he never reports or prevents his friends from any destruction they cause. They will no longer attend my school. End of discussion." Akainu announces, causing Penguin and Shachi to both mutter "Another one...".

Corazon deflates in defeat, nodding to the principle before leading the group outside of the school, where he stood in front of them and crossed his arms.

Law, Shachi, Penguin, Jean, and Ikkaku stood there, watching Corazon carefully.

"What. happened. this. time." Corazon hisses, making everyone flinch but Law.

Shachi starts. "Uh, we didn't mean for this to happen, but..."

Penguin continues. "we took a school bus and sorta..."

"took it on a drive...," Jean mumbles.

Ikkaku whispers, "and it kinda got out of control..."

Shachi finishes. "and it might've crashed into the cafeteria?"

"WHAT?!" Corazon screams, his eyes bulging out of his head. Yeah, sure, these teens might have done some crazy things in the past, but the cherry on top.

"And Law?? Where were you when this all happened??" Corazon questions, staring holes into his son.

Law shrugs. "I was in the bus with them."


Law averts his eyes from his fuming dad. "There was no way I could, plus, it was kinda fu-"

"STOP! Just.... stop." Corazon lifts his hand in the air to signal Law to stop talking.

They group looks at the ground, waiting for Corazon's next move.

Corazon pinches the bridge of his nose, and sighs loudly. These kids are going to be the death of him. "My father is allowing you guys to attend his school. Grand Line high school. But I swear to god, if you get kicked out of this one there is no hope of education for you guys." Corazon finishes.

Shachi tilts his head. "Grand Line high school? We haven't been kicked out of that one yet?"

Penguin turns to his friend and shakes his head. "Nope! we've been kicked out of East Blue high, Water 7 high, Sky Island high, and a few others, but I don't think we've ever been to Grand Line high."

Jean agrees. "Yeah."

"We are going to go to grandpas school now? I'm surprised he's letting us "failures" go there." Law mumbles.

"He doesn't think you guys are failures." Corazon says. "And he says that the school shapes kids like you to be successful so it perfect for you guys!"

They all groan. Corazon laughs. "Okay kiddos, I already talked to all your parents about it and they said that it will be a good school for you all. You guys are attending there next week!" Corazon says, giving them all a thumbs up, while Law and the others don't seem at all excited.

"Don't call us kiddos, dad, we are all juniors and seniors." Law corrects. Law, and Jean are seniors while Shachi, Penguin, and Ikkaku are Juniors.

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