Chapter 20

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"Yeah and so Yonji was like "You will die!" and then the gang beat up the dude and it was just so awesome!" Luffy gushed, and Law wanted to burst out laughing at the childish way he summarized the episode of Germa 66.

"Sounds epic." Law shortly responds, still in disbelief he is now going out with Luffy.

Luffy laughs at Laws response, now used to the short and what sounds like "uninterested" replies, but most of the time he's listening closely.

They just finished their shared class, World history. They are walking to their next class, and all Law can think about it the male next to him.

Luffy is also pretty high off of this morning. It has been said that the best feeling is finally getting together with someone you like.

"It really was! Sorry I didn't call you about it last night, I got a carrot stuck in my ear and my brothers and I were trying to get it out." Luffy explained, and Law didn't know if he should laugh or feel genuinely concerned about what Luffy does in his free time.

"I, I see." Law had absolutely no idea what to say about that.

Luffy smiled from beside Law, who is walking so close from next to him, it makes Laws body hot from just the contact.

"I'm excited for homecoming." Luffy blurted.

Law nodded slowly, also excited, but also downright terrified. He'll have to do all those cheesy things with Luffy at the dance now that they are dating.

But on the other hand, Law has been waiting to do those things. He has wanted to for a while. It's just going to be, very, extremely new.

"Me too Luffy-ya. What's your favorite color?"

Luffy smiled at the random question. "Red!"

"Okay, wear something that includes red at homecoming. So that I can match you."

Luffy beamed. "We are going to match?! Awesome!"

Law chuckled at the other. "Aren't you supposed to?"

"Uhhhhh I don't know! But yeah! Let's do it!"

'Cute.' Law thought mindlessly. He sorta likes the clueless side of Luffy.

They arrived at Luffys algebra class, and Law stopped alongside him. "There's no school tomorrow, so where do you want to meet for homecoming?"

"You can meet at my house!"

Laws stomach dropped at the suggestion. Won't he have to tell his brothers about the two of them? Oh fuck, he didn't even think about having to tell everyone eventually. Luffys grandpa, his dad, oh god.

"Sure." Law said without thinking.

Luffy nodded. "Sounds good! I'll see you tomorrow?"


Law just stared at Luffy, waiting to see him head into his classroom so he can start heading to his own. But Luffy just stood there.

Law was about to ask what he was doing, when Luffy walked up, wrapping his arms around Laws torso.


Law couldn't muster out the rest of the words, first he thought it was embarrassing doing this at school with people around, you know that the last thing Law likes is attention toward him. But second he wanted to reciprocate and hug him as well, but before he could, Luffy unwrapped his arms from around Law and stepped back, giving Law a huge smile with a light pink color on his cheeks.

"Ill see you, tomorrow?" Luffy says, looking up at Law with his big eyes.

Law felt already nervous about tomorrow. It feels like everything that has happened led up to homecoming. He was sure he wasn't going to go at first, but then all of a sudden he turned out to like someone and is now going with them as a couple and no one even knows about them yet so it's just going to be a fun great ride. Yay.

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