Chapter 6

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Luffy is as dumb as he sounds, and Law is never going to get a decent amount of sleep tonight.

Law and Luffy are already a few hours in, studying about foreign languages. Corazon isn't home yet, because he will be working late.

Luffy is spread out on the kitchen table, whining like he is being tortured at the moment. Law wouldn't let them study in his room because he feels his room is a personal, sacred place. No place Luffy should be in.

Law is currently wanting to die, Luffy has a huge problem with paying attention and learning new materials. Foreign languages is a tuff subject, there's no denying that, but Luffy is not grasping a single thing about what Law has talked about so far.

"I don't get itttttttt!" Luffy complains, his head rested against the table and his lip in a permanent pout.

Law facepalms with both hands, rubbing his eyes with them vigorously. "You are hopeless aren't you?" He barely whispers out, his energy slowly fading at the useless attempts of teaching Luffy.

Luffy straightens up and shakes his head, an angry but determined expression of his face. "N-no! Just teach me some more, I can figure it out!"

Law couldn't help but think Luffys determination was comical, and that his stutter was a little cute, but was quickly horrified with the thought and threw it in the back of his mind before replying to Luffy. "You get distracted easily, you have no memorizing skills, and you can barley speak English that's understandable, and its your first language!" Law exploded.

Luffy threw his arms up in the air, showing his defeat to Law. "Fine! I dont get anything. It's hard Torao!"

Law needs a few minutes to think, so he shut his eyes, and just stayed still, thinking about how he can go about this. He could hear Luffy shift in his chair, obviously unable to stay still for just a second.

"So-" Luffy began to say but was cut off when Law whipped his hand up to signal him to shut up. Luffy frowned and looked around boredly, while Law needed a second of quietness.

Law opened his eyes and thought anything was worth a try. "Do you think there is anything that can help you focus, or perhaps motivate you?"

Luffy scrunches up his nose, thinking hard. "Hmmmmmmm... I like food."

"How's that supposed to help us you idiot?!" Law growled, tapping his pen against the table, his patience wearing thin.

"I know! How about if I get a good grade on my exams next week, you buy me dinner!" Luffy suggests, smiling at his idea.

Law thinks about it and decides it's better than nothing. If Luffy suggested it, than maybe it will actually motivate him. As long as Law doesn't stay his tutor for much longer.

"Okay." Law simply says, making Luffy twinkle at the answer. "Really?"

Law suddenly feels awkward about the undying attention he is getting from Luffy, and he averts his eyes before he mumbles a quite "Yes."

"Then let's get on with it! What's next?" Luffy asks, looking intent on actually learning. Law raises a brow because of how fast Luffys mood changed, but doesn't question it only on the sole fact that this could get things done quicker.


About an hour in, Luffy has comprehended the basic language histories. Law would catch Luffy doze off every once in awhile, but a good kick under the table got him back and focused again.

As Law was pointing at a portion in the textbook, and explaining to Luffy the benefits of learning a foreign language, Law realized he was getting distracted again. Luffy was only staring at Law and not the text he was showing him.

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