chapter 7

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No one POV:

The rubies goes inside the ship and so is the crystal gems "woahh! Its huge in here, I thought it would be super cramp" eyeball appears "hey! This ain't no, pleasure crew!" Amethyst puts her fist on her chest "yeah! Show some respect you CRYSTAL GERMS!" The other rubies agrees with her "aw curses I can't believe we've been caught, by non other then cross over it" garnet sits on the side "uh huh that sure is jasper the one that caught us hrrumps" Steven sits beside garnet, pearl jump dramatically to garnet and Steven's side "of aaalll the indignitys! Do what you want! I'll never talk!" Pearls spats at her "heh I wish" amethyst being sarcastic "yeah heh she talks a lot" the rubies agrees once again "go sit over there now!" Amethyst commands pearl "wow Jasper's so funny and strong" navy said to leggy "I was just thinking about that" leggys agrees 'wow they're like fangems huh?' Defect rolls her eyes and goes back to her seat "hehe this is fun" amethyst laughs at this "jasper" doc comes up to her "AH! I'm jasper!" Amethyst been taken by Surprise "please feel free to take my seat up front, the captain seat" doc point at the front "it would be an honor" doc looks at her again "yeah! Yes! Sure thing" both of them walks up to the seat, defect looks at her works and look at the crystal gems 'why are they on earth? Are they free? Is it good? Don't they feel guilty for leaving homeworld??' Defect sighs and lean back to her seat, she look at eyeball and saw a single tear appears on her eye, "ruby?" Defect looks at her concern "NOOO stay away from us you brute!" Pearl dramaticly cries out loud "tone it down pearl, That one ruby wants to throw you to space" defect look at army who's glaring at pearl and punch her palm "sorry got a bit carried away" pearl smile a little "uhh you ok amethyst? You've been holding that form forever now" Steven points it out "I've got it under control" amethyst whisper then turn back around "hey! My seat better still be warm when I get over there!" Amethyst continues her jasper act.

~•time skip to the moon { °-°•} •~

The door opens and doc activated her gem glow looking around "all clear" she walks out along with the others "right this way jasper" eyeball informs amethyst "ohh jasper! Won't you ever let us go!" Pearl dramatically talk, garnet walk out with defect beside her and Steven happily jumping a little due to the gravity so garnet holds his hand to held him down "look at this place frozen in time an era one base..her era one base" eyeball point the light to the wall of pink diamond "when the tragedy what happen to her" eyeball finish her speech "what is that anyway?" Leggy question her " were you made yesterday?! pink diamond" eyeball points up, defect look up 'I wasn't there when it happen but I heard stories of when she was killed by her own pink diamond cruel like the other diamonds?' Defect was on her own thought until Steven nudge her a little, she jump in surprise but nervously smile at him scratching her head in embarrassment, Steven just smile at her and look back at the others "jasper maybe its best if you explain" eyeball look back at amethyst "what me?! No! do it, I'm to mess up about it?" Everything went quiet "I understand, she was your original diamond, the earth was pink diamonds colony, everything going smoothly at first, kindergarten made their first soldiers, big warm pieces of quartz, like this one over here *points to amethyst*, were being created from its rich mineral of great success, then BAM! One of pink diamonds farrial quartz soldier starting rebbeling and took it to far, where were you when it happen" eyeballs finishes her speech again "oh you know...around" amethyst shrug "I was there, I watch the leader of the crystal gem rose quartz shatter pink diamond" defect look at the crystal gems as pearl look away from everyone "no...rose quartz..would never do that! I-it's sure she had to fight but...but she would never shatter someone!" Steven yells at them as they gone quiet "hey, we got a problem" doc told them as all of them goes up "um..Steven was it? Look I don't know what's your connection with rose quartz but there's gotta be a reason" defect pat his back gently "why..are you being nice?" Steven questions her "why wouldn't I be? Beside it look like you're struggling right now" defect tolds him "the panels broken, the communicators gone! There's no way to contact yellow diamond from this hub" doc said to them "crystal gems!!" Eyeball screams in anger as the other rubies murmers to the others, amethyst turn back to her orinal form and goes back to being jasper "we have to take you to homeworld to fire the report in person" doc said it to amethyst while she's struggling to hold her form "I can't! I can't go!" now she's struggling even more the other rubies mutting 'I don't understand' 'what do you mean?' 'What's going on?', eyeball runs up to her and looks up "You know what? You know me, do me a favor and go back home and file the report for me I'm trusting you soldier" amethyst puts her hand on the top of eyeball's head " wow...of course!" Eyeball agree in excitement "that settles it alright rubies back to the ship!" Captain demand the rubies, eyeball wave goodbye to amethyst and close the door, defect close her eyes and lean more back to the ship 'dang it...I don't wanna go back to homeworld...should I rebel? I mean it could be worse' defect sight deeply and slap her forehead, amethyst goes back to her original form as the others praise her, Steven walk up to the wall of pink diamond and just stare at it until doc opens the ship "hey you need a ride back to earth? I can sit on your lap if you want-uh.. What!?" Doc look at them shock and anger "I'm still jasper!" amethyst panics "we've been tricked again!!" The other rubies except defect come up to her "no way" doc yelled "ruby assemble!" They did they're fusion pose without defect and form into one giant ruby again with a loud 'yeah!!' "We won't let you trick us again!" The giant ruby told them "hey Rubies! If you're gonna fight take it outside!" Steven hits the diamond button opening it to space, the space tries to suck giant ruby out but no success(yet) "you cant get rid of us that easy!" Giant ruby angrily told Steven, garnet and pearl fuse to sardonyx "I bet she can" Steven said it to giant ruby sounding a little smug, sardonyx swung her hammer to giant rub with a peace signs, giant ruby let out an 'Oof' and un-fuse cause of the pain, all of them are out but eyeball grab Steven by the shirt, dragging him out to space too as he gasp in shock


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