Chapter 13

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My alarm woke me up before six, the buses were pulling out at 8 and I had to be there at 7:30. I hoped in the shower not bothering to fix my hair afterwords.

I grabbed my stick and stripped it of its type, I selected one of my many roles and began re wrapping it. In about five minutes my stick was typed again.

I grabbed one of my backups making sure it wasn't broken. Before walking down stairs.

My mom had breakfast already on the table for me, I grabbed a pancake and shoved it in my mouth.

" No need to eat like a caveman Callahan," Charlie laughed.

" Oh shut up," though with my mouthful I knew he wouldn't understand.

I opened the fridge to retrieve my stick wax and orange juice. I didn't bother getting a glass I just drunk it right out of the jug.

" Callahan Jacqueline Smith!" My mother yelled partially laughing," What did I tell you about drinking out of the jug!"

" Oops," I giggled throwing the Orange juice at my big brother.

" Thank you," he mumbled taking another pancake off the plate.

Things started to get more hectic as the morning progressed. We had to fight to get Jared up, I had forgotten to pack, our car wouldn't start. It was a mess.

" Cooter said he'd swing by to pick me up," I yelled running back down stairs with my three bags in my hands.

" Are you sure honey?" my mom questioned.

" Mom I'll be fine," I laughed, " I'll see you in two weeks okay?"

" Be safe honey."

I hugged everyone and told Jared to keep it up. Cooter was outside within five minutes. We still had fifteen minutes to get to the rink, but we'd be pushing it. The whole way to the rink, Cooter and I talked about the two weeks ahead of us. We both knew it wouldn't be easy. It was going to be a look at what life in the OHL or NA would be like.

There would also be all kinds of scouts there. Collage,prep schools, NA, OHL, and Juniors. These next two weeks would probably be the best chance any of us would have to get out of this place and never look back.The boys would settle for any team they get. I'd probably get offered a spot at a prep school if I was lucky. Girls really don't get offered spots anywhere else.

we pulled up to the rink, our double Decker sleeper bus thing was parked outside waiting on the rest of the team. My stomach felt like it was in my throat. To say I was freaking out would be an understatement.

" Easy Smith, it's just a bus," Cooter laughed getting out of the car.

" No Cooter! It's our ticket out of here. Just think of how many scouts will be there!" I smiled trying to contain myself.

" Just don't pass out on me," He winked.

I swear, I've never seen a large group of teenagers act so much like children. We were all running around and screaming like idiots. Don't even get me started about when we all found the Xbox's. It took both Coach and Parker to get all of us on the bus and seated long enough to tell us what was going on.

" We'll get to New York when we get there. Our first game isn't for two days. That will give you guys time to settle down, we'll leave for Toronto on Monday, and for Ontario on Wednesday. We'll all get back home when ever we do, okay?" Coach has never been good at these things. But we all got the just of it.

Two weeks of hockey bliss here I come.

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