Chapter 41

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"Move your feet!" Coach screamed.

I took a shallow breath and moved around the goal. I was trying not to get absolutely crushed. Connor was coming in as my winger, trying to give me some help. Over on the other side, Conrad was getting in place to help set up.

The clock started counting down the last two minutes. We needed to move fast if we stood a chance. I came to an abrupt stop and sent the puck over to Connor.

Pain shot through my body as I got utterly drilled into the boards. My legs gave out for just a second and I hit the ice. Over to my left, Connor and Conrad were trying to set up the shot, but didn't have a chance in hell with the coverage on the goal.

I popped up real quick and slammed my stick. Before anyone else had time to react Conrad hit me up with a cross ice pass. All I did was settle the puck, before I wind back and send the puck flying. The goalie didn't even move as the puck went into the back of the net. The whistle blew, we'd won the game. We just had to hold them off for twenty seconds.

Conrad, Connor, and I did our celly. Coach told us to stay on the ice for the remainder of the game. Twenty seconds. Twenty seconds and we'd be that much closer to Natties.

The puck dropped and put twenty second battle began. I fought to send the puck over to either one of my wings, but I could tie up the other guy.

Connor was the one who finally picked up the puck after I was able to pop it out.

I took the break with Conrad, Connor taking the lead. We knew we would score again, but it was more of trying to keep the puck away from the Knights. The clock counted down, but I could've sworn it was going much slower than it should've.

My heart pounded, we were so close. But I'd seen games won in a single second before. I turned my head, six seconds left. I let out a breath and took the puck back around our goal. The buzzer went off.

We'd won.

Cheering erupted from the bench. We'd never beaten The Knights, ever. I dropped my stick and threw my hands up. We screamed and cheered. The bench emptied as he rest of the team joined our celly. Kyler basically tackled me, as did a few other boys.

"We did it man!" I yelled," We did it!"

There were hugs, which was surprising considering these guys were supposed to be tough hockey players. And even I looked over at Coach, I could've sworn there were tears in his eyes. He smiled and tapped above his heart with his fist.

I did the same, only after I pointed up to the celling, up to Joshua.

After the handshake line, we slowly made our way to the locker room. We were all too hyped up to really sit still. But the moment we made it inside, we all started cheering again.

This game paved the way to Natties.

"Two more boys!" I said standing in the middle of the room," Two more games and then Natties!"

"Alright settle down," Coach said walking in," All of you played to the best of your abilities tonight. And I must say, that's the best game I've seen any of you play. You've made him proud, I hope you all know that. But your job isn't done yet."

Cheers erupted again. Never had I been on a team that was this enthusiastic about anything. It's like we were having our own little revaluation.

"Don't forget we have practice every night this week," Coach reminded us," Now go home and rest up. These next two weeks will kick your ass. Be ready."

Once Coach walked out I stood back up," Okay, you guys already got the speech from Coach. Just keep it up boys, we're almost there," I said," Oh and pizza at Graby's."

I slipped into my locker room, hearing nothing but the boys yelling. I couldn't help but laugh when they turned on their music, and started having a rap battle.

We had two more games. Our season was almost over. But this family went beyond the rink. Most of us had been together since squirts. We weren't stopping now.

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