Chapter 6

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I fidgeted with my Icy blue dress. My mom had insisted on getting Lilly over so the two of us could get ready together.

Even Mason came to help Jared because he doesn't know how to tie a tie and none of us girls can.

" Stay still!" My Mom demanded as she 'tried' to curl my hair.

I sighed and settled on my phone. I was watching the Penguin's play. I think Lilly was doing the same on her phone because she'd yell the same time I did.

I guess you know you're a hockey fan when...

After about an hour my mom finished with my hair and relentlessly moved onto my makeup. I had told her I didn't need any. But no, she wanted me to look completely girly tonight.

" Boys are coming in!" Jared yelled. My little brother came in along with Mason. I have to say, they do clean up nice.

" Look at you Jared! You never look this good at other parties!" I laughed. He had on a white Vineyard Vines' dress shirt and pink tie.

" Well I never had a date." He laughed " Mom time to go. " It seemed that he then realized that I was sitting right there, " YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL!"

Normally I'm just in jeans and a crappy hockey shirt. No makeup, no dress, and especially no heals.

" Well I am one you know." I laughed.
My dear mother put the finishing touches on my make up and took some pictures before taking Jared.

I started pacing in the hall way, maybe I should just stay home. I mean, I can't dance. I can hardly walk in these heals. Not to mention the feeling like I was going to throw up.

" Callahan, calm down." Lilly laughed.

" Coots is almost here." Mason announced.

I took a deep breath and leaned on the door frame.

" Josh, she's a about to have a heart attack. CALLI HAS A BOYFRIEND!" Lilly giggled. I only rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue.

A shiny black car pulled into the drive way and out stepped a VERY good looking Cooter Bruener

" Okay is it normal for my heart to be beating out of my chest?" I questioned.

The doorbell rang and Mason, being the only one in normal shoes, ran to open it.

Remember how I said Mason was like my brother, yep this is where it comes in handy.

Cooter walked into the living room where Lilly and I were standing... still watching a hockey game I might add.

His jaw dropped. I really don't see the big deal, I'm just in a dress.

" Callahan, you look like a girl." He gawked.

" So I've been told." I laughed.

Lilly and Mason were already at the door. Now before you ask, Mason is taking Lilly. I think he said something about not letting some hockey tool take her. Kinda funny if you ask me.

" Ready?" Cooter asked holding out his hand.

I gladly grabbed his hand and smiled, " Let's do this thing. "

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