Chapter 64

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I looked over at the new trophy that we'd brought home less than two months ago. The Carolina Lightning had become National Champions once more. The thought of it almost bright tears to my eyes again. I'd never felt more proud of a rag tag group of boys than I did on that day.

Due to how far along I'd been, I wasn't allowed to be on the bench with my boys. Instead, I stood up in an empty press box with a Bluetooth ear piece in, which was Conrad's idea. He wanted me to somehow still run the show as much as I could. But during the intermission between the second and third period, I told Conrad and Kyler that this was their time.

I handed the ear piece over, and went in to give the boys a quick speech about how hard we all worked to get here, and how no matter what happened during that next period, I would be proud of them either way.

After that, I found my way back to Lily and her family, as well as the rest of mine, minus Coty who was playing in Toronto that night.

I could still remember the feeling of Lily practically crushing my hand, while I crushed Jared's. We'd all been on the edge of our seats, praying the clock would run down faster. I could still hear the sounds of all of those boys screaming as the clock ran down and the score was final.

In that moment I almost felt like my heart would've burst. But even that couldn't compare to when Tyler held me as tightly as he could without hurting me or the baby, and called me mom.

In that moment, my heart did burst.

"I love you," Coty said leaning down to kiss my cheek," I wish you could come."

"You think that this isn't killing me?" I joked," I'm missing the playoffs."

"No you're not," He mumbled into my hair," You're watching them here. In the comfort of our own home, where you and our little daughter are safe."

I grumbled, but he was right of course. I was too close to my due date, and the doctor had strictly told me that I was no longer allowed to attend games, seeing as there were too many variables.

So for the entire playoff run, I'd been forced to watch the games from our couch at home. I'd been able to convince Ty to go on my behalf a couple of times, but now even he insisted on staying home with me.

Sometimes we'd invite some of my brothers, or Ty's team over and almost make a party of it. Other times, it was just Ty, Scarlett, and I all on the couch screaming at the TV.

"I'll call you once I'm off from morning skate," He promised," And I'll check in through out the day and between periods."

"Stop worrying," I laughed, turning my head so I could properly kiss him," I'll see you later All-Star."

"I love you," He said again.

"I know, I love you too."

Not long after he left, I felt a twinge of pain again. I looked down at my stomach, hoping that it was just my imagination. But when ten minuets later the pain came back, only a little stronger, I knew that life had other plans. I took a deep breath and pushed myself off the couch.

I was moving toward kitchen when another bout of pain, which I ultimately knew was a contradiction, decided to take over.

"Yeah okay, I get it," I grunted," Ty! I need you to grab the bag from outside the nursery, and get down here."

"What?" He yelled from upstairs.

"Tyler! Now!"

I heard the thudding of footsteps as he ran down the hall and then down the stairs. He took one look at me and started to panic. In fact, he was panicking more than I was.

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