Chapter 56

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"He proposed on national television Callahan!" Lily yelled over the phone," I mean, he told me to watch the game but I figured that because he was going to do something stupid. Not propose to you!"

I laughed and took a sip of my wine," Yeah he took everyone off guard. However, he had Ty help him plan."

"Aww who knew Coty was romantic," She laughed," Well, I mean I knew he was. Just not this romantic."

Coty was with Ty getting more furniture for the apartment. We planned to start looking for a house soon, the two bedroom apartment would get too small pretty quickly.

"God, Joshua would've loved this," She mumbled," He probably would've had a long talk with Cooter beforehand."

I laughed," I still can't believe it," I said looking at my ring," He proposed. God I never thought that would be something that he'd do. Lily, I'm gonna marry Coty."

"Yes you are. I wish we all would've made a bet in high school, I would've won," she laughed.

"We're back!" Coty yelled walking in.

"And we brought ice cream," Ty added.

I said my goodbye to Lily and hung up. The boys were unloading the groceries that I didn't ask them to buy, and were laughing about something. I watched as Coty fist bumped Ty, and shoved him a little.

My little family.

"What happened to getting furniture?" I questioned.

"Don't worry, it's being delivered tomorrow," Coty promised.

"Ty did you get all your homework done?" I asked.

He nodded and threw some popcorn in his mouth. He then launched into a conversation about what they're doing in school, and how stupid a lot of it was. I had to bite back a laugh as I looked over at Coty, who was rolling his eyes. We both clearly remembered saying the same things only a handful of years ago.

"When am I ever going to need to know logarithms?" He groaned," I'm a hockey player, not a accountant."

One look back at Coty and I was laughing almost a little too hard. Mostly because I could remember Coty saying the exact same thing when we were in high school.

"It really makes so sense to me! I know what I what to do, and it's not logarithms," Ty went on.

Coty only smiled and clapped Ty's shoulder," Dude, I don't know why you need to learn them. But trust me, it impresses the girls if you don't fail out."

I raised my eyebrows," Oh? Is that what you think?"

"Well," Coty shrugged," It doesn't hurt. Plus, you need good grades to get into a good college so you can hopefully play even more hockey."

"Now that, I agree with," I said," But honestly Ty, you be whatever you want. Hockey player, accountant, used car salesman. Whatever you wanna do bud, we'll support you."

"Oh Ty! You should probably start packing bud, you guys leave tonight," Coty reminded him.

He gave us a thumbs up, and walked into his bedroom, that currently only had a futon. He closed his door, and a few seconds later loud music filled our apartment. I shook my head but couldn't help but smile as I hugged Coty.

He put his chin on top of my head and took in a deep breath. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his heart, which I could barely hear above Ty's music.

"Thank you," I mumbled, "For agreeing to foster him."

"You were right Cally," He replied," Ty is a part of this family. He belongs here with us."


I pulled at the laces of my skates one last time, making sure they were nice and tight beige I tied them off. The rink was pretty empty today since we'd already finished up any lessons today, and there weren't any practices.

I pulled on my gloves and grabbed my stick before stepping into the ice. It'd been a while since I'd skated just to skate. Anytime I was on the ice now was for practice with the boys. I didn't get to have free fun anymore. But I wouldn't trade my team for anything.

The cool air blew my hair around as I wizzed around the rink, feeling free again. I kicked out, pushing myself further. I couldn't skate nearly as fast as I could when I played under the Lightning logo, but I wasn't exactly slow.

The boys would start getting here within the hour so we could load up and start our journey to Canada. Coty was bringing Ty in a bit, I'd left early so I could sort everything out before we left. I'd sorted everything out about half an our ago, which is why I was now on the ice, soaring around.

I let out a deep breath and smiled, even laughed after a time. I'd forgotten how good it felt to be out here like this. The rink door opened up a few minutes later, and Conrad and Jared came strolling in.

"Cal! Aren't you supposed to be loading up busses?" Jared questioned.

"That's what Conrad and Kyler are for," I joked, taking another pass around the rink.

"Seriously Cal, we gotta get going," Con said stepping into the ice," The boys are already here."

I groaned and snowed Con a little as I skidded to a stop. Con glared at me before walking away, muttering something to Jared.

Jared just had a massive smirk on his face, like the ones he used to get when he'd get away with doing something as a kid.

"Nice one," He said fist bumping me," I should've done that before. He's been complaining all morning."

I laughed and slipped off my skates," He'll get over it," I shrugged.

I tied my skates together and slung the over my shoulder, with one hand I gathered the rest of my gear, and then slung my other arm around my little brother.

We hadn't been able to spend much time together in the last few years. He'd come visit me in Boston every now and then, and it got a little easier when he got into Providence. I'd been able to catch a few games here and there when I was lucky, but gone were the days of us being almost inseparable.

"You take it easy on those boys, okay?" He questioned," They practically worship you know."

"You make sure my rink doesn't burn down, and I'll think about it," I joked.

I'd decided to put Jared and Charlie in charge of the rink while I was gone. They knew the inner workings, and agreed to help. Brandon even offered to work a shift or two if it was needed.

Jared stopped walking, and to my surprise hugged me tightly. He'd gotten so tall now, that I only came up to his chin, my little brother wasn't little anymore.

"Promise me you'll be careful," He mumbled, still not letting go.

"Always Jare," I promised.

"Cal, the boys are all ready," Kyler said walking into the lobby.

I pulled away from Jared and messed up his hair," Alright bro, I gotta go be a coach now."

He laughed and pushed me away, never once did he stop smiling as I walked out. The boys were all yelling at one another, fighting over where they were going to sit on the bus. Conrad was loading up the rest of the gear, with the help of Ty. Whilst Kyler was talking to our driver.

My team.

The last time I'd been on a road trip like this, I was a player. I was sixteen, and scared to death of what was coming my way. I'd had Mason beside me, it was before Coty and I officially started dating, I didn't yet know Conrad and Brandon... I'd been a child. But now, now I was leading an entire team of boys, who in some way or another, are my family.

I smiled and tapped my chest.

"Alright, lets get this show on the road!"

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