Chapter 11

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Knowing that an inch or so thick blade is all that's keeping you from falling is kinda terrifying.

" Smith, watch it!" Coach yelled from the bench.

I saw the Badgers player skating towards our zone. Our defense would be hung out to dry, they were up in the offensive zone. I decked the guy and fed the puck up to Mason. But before I could go with him, I was hit by what felt like a train. I hit the ice and slid head first into the boards. The reff didn't stop the play, no penalty or anything.

I popped up, wincing a bit as I did, " That was uncalled for," I mumbled. All I really wanted to do was kill that kid. But I didn't have the chance.

"You don't belong out here princess," the kid scoffed.

I waved for someone to come on for me. I went to jump over the boards but soon realized that my wrist wouldn't hold me up.

I tried rotating it once I was sitting on the bench, but I couldn't. If coach found out, I'd be benched for sure. I don't care if it's sprained or broken, I had to play. I couldn't tell my mom, or Mason, or Cooter. They'd go right to coach. Or try and make me tell him.

" You good you hit the boarded pretty hard," Cooter questioned taking the seat next to me.

" I'm fine," I replied. My line mates started going out and as soon as the center touched the bench I jumped the wall.


I ripped my tape off my stick. The blade felt like it was broken half way though the game, but I didn't have time to check it in the middle game.

Sure enough it was snapped right where my blade connects to my twig. I broke the rest of the blade off and threw it in the corner of my room.

" You broke another one?" Jared asked walking into my room.

" Yeah, mom is gonna flip out," I laughed, " Forth one in six months."

He laughed and picked up one of my old sticks. I think it was my old O-Stick. I had to have it back when I was ten, it was like THE stick. Granted it broke like a few months later, a kid totally hacked it and then it was in two. I didn't have the heart to throw it away, so I've kept it all these years.

" I liked this stick," He held up the bright green and silver shaft. It was rightfully named the O-Stick because of the holes in the middle of the shaft, " Mom wouldn't buy me one," he laughed.

I strapped my brace on and looked at my brother. His shaggy light brown hair was longer than it should be for a thirteen year old boy. But when you're a hockey player, that's what you get.

" Are you going to tell mom about your wrist?" For once, Jared was concerned, and kinda worried. I shook my head, he of all people knew I can't lose now.

" Can't you know that. She'll go right to coach and coach will bench me. That means I won't make it to Nationals, or CAHA. I need CAHA, I need the exposure," I sighed grabbing another stick from my rack. I put some weight on it to test my flex before grabbing my tape.

" You're willing to possibly break your wrist for this?" He looked at me like I was crazy. It was then that I realized, Jared is exactly how I was when it came to Charlie. He'd do anything to impress me, and live up to the family name.

" Just because I'm willing to, doesn't mean that you should be too. Jared, if there's one thing I've learned; It's not to play because they want you to," I smiled, " And play your game your way. I mean listen to your coach too, but never let them change the way you think on the ice. You have the instinct of a hockey player, you see things and you understand what the other team is thinking. That can't be taught, can't earned."

" Don't get all sappy on me, " He groaned, " It's creepy. But thanks, means a lot to know you actually believe in a lost cause."

I laughed and messed his hair up," You're not a total lost cause. Your team on the other hand."

He smiled and shook his head, the poor kid knew it was true. His team wasn't the best. But they get by, and they give it their all. Last year it was enough for them to win the state championship title. Though both Jared and I know that won't happen again this year.

I mean, I don't want to sound like I don't have faith in these boys. I actually have more than their own coach, he already told them that they don't stand a chance.

I had the same coach back in Peewees, he just beat the whole team down. It took me two years to get my head back in the right place. That was on top of my dad leaving too.

" Hey I'm heading out, ya'll need anything?" Charlie asked from down the hall.

" Yeah, more tape," I replied, " OH and stick wax."

I heard him laugh and start walking again," Stop breaking sticks Cally, you won't have any left."

I laughed, as if I have a choice. He's been off the ice way too long, he thinks I have a choice. It just happens, and one good slash can normally break one in an instant.

" We need to get him back on the ice. I don't care what it takes."

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