the janitors closet

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i paced the hallways of hollywood arts looking for principal eikner when suddenly i heard footsteps approaching from behind me. i turned around and took a sigh of relief. "hey, you. what are you doing in the hallway? dont you have class?" eikner asked. "yeah sorry, i've been looking for you. why have i changed classes.. again?" "oh! i'm not sure, just go to your class with sikowitz" he said, quite passive aggressively. i took a deep breath before walking to sikowitz' class.
i opened the door of his acting class slowly, trying to build up the courage to enter. once i did, everyone's heads turned towards me. gulp. i stumbled over to an empty chair next to the brunette singer, tori vega. she looked at me and smiled slightly, she didn't know who i was but i knew who she was. after all, she was one of the most popular kids at hollywood arts. my eyeballs began to scan the room, looking for someone i was friends with.. when i was interrupted by a hairy, homeless-looking man, also known as sikowitz. it still puzzles me as to how he got the job as a teacher here. "so.. new one, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" he asked with a friendly grin on his face. "i'm not new. i just moved classes" i stated blankly. "ohhhh!" i could tell he was trying to recognise me, but he couldn't. it didn't make me annoyed or upset, i chose not to be noticed. i was quiet and didn't speak to many people.
sikowitz continued teaching the class, or should i say, telling everyone about the weird smell coming from underneath his bed. i carried on scanning the room looking for someone i was friends with, when my gaze stopped at a pale-skinned girl. i knew who she was, her name was jade west, and she was the scariest girl at school. she wore a long sleeved, tight black shirt that highlighted her cleavage, a short black skirt with tights and tall boots. her hair was medium-length and black with blue highlights.
i'm pretty sure i was staring for at least 10 minutes before my blood ran cold as her eyes turned towards mine. i quickly jolted my head towards the empty board at the front of the class and pretended to read off of it. i wasn't sure what happened to the people that annoyed jade west, but all i know is that they either come out of the janitors closet with pee down their legs or tears in their eyes. i could tell that she was still staring at me from the corner of my eye. i'm not sure how i built up the courage to do this, but i turned my head to look at her again. i was right, she was still staring. her nostrils flared and her blue eyes pierced into my soul. i swallowed (even though my throat was dry) and turned back to the empty board.
i stared at that empty board for around 20 minutes. thoughts were overloading my brain as to what jade would do when class was finished. i was awoken from my thoughts when sikowitz shouted at the top of his voice. "DID I JUST HEAR THE BELL?" everyone jumped at the volume of his voice. "uh.. no" andre said, looking at sikowitz like he was crazy, which he was. "we still have 15 minutes left" "OH! well.. everyone wander the halls" he said, taking a sip of milk from his coconut.
i quickly ran from the class, trying to find a place to hide from jade. i chose the bathroom. yeah.. big mistake. of course a gorgeous girl like her would come into the bathroom to check herself out at any moment she could. i sat silently in the handicap stall, waiting for her to leave. finally, i heard footsteps going towards the door so i assumed she left. i left the stall and to my unfortunate surprise.. she was still there, smirking, looking at me through the mirror. i went to leave the bathroom but she blocked the exit. i stuttered. i couldn't form a word. "scared?" she said, mockingly. "n- no." i lied. she grabbed my wrist and pulled me aggressively out of the door, across the hallway, and into the janitors closet.
i tripped over my feet as she pushed me into a stack of empty cardboard boxes. she turned on the light and glared at me before slamming me into the wall by my shirt. she was about to say something, but stopped herself and backed up a little bit, still tightly holding on to my shirt. it kinda looked like she was.. checking me out? surely not. she saw me looking at her and scowled so i rapidly dropped my gaze down to the floor. "HEY!" she shouted so loudly the whole school could've heard. i located my eyesight back up to her face, scared of what was about to come. "do you think it's okay to not look at someone when they're talking to you?" she questioned. "b- but you w- weren't talking" i puckered up the courage to say, regretting it instantly. she released her grip from my shirt and grabbed a pair of sharp scissors out of her boot, placing them on my stomach. i gulped. "don't make me more angry than i already am.. y/l/n" woah.. she knew my last name. did she know who i was? "i- i'm sorry, jade" she smirked, i'm pretty sure she got pleasure from my nervousness.
she pulled away, but only a few steps, scissors still against my stomach. was she checking me out.. again? she smirked once more before doing something that i NEVER would've guessed. without hesitation, she placed her soft, full lips against mine. i didn't kiss back at first, but then i realised that jade fucking west was kissing me, so of course i had to take advantage and kiss back. the kiss deepened a little, her scissors were still against my stomach, but i didn't mind. i kind of liked it. one of her hands reached for my hair and she stroked it before pulling away and smiling smugly. she planted a note in my hand and left the janitors closet confidently. i read the note aloud. "come to my house at 7 sharp tonight. i know you know where i live. don't be late." what the fuck was happening?!

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