jade gets jealous

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"one sec i'm just gonna check my phone" i said to tori while walking into the kitchen.

*99+ notifications*

holy fuck. jade had messaged me over 100 times. i forgot that she hates it when i don't answer her back immediately.

"fucking answer me"
"whatever i don't care"

oh no oh no oh no. "what do i do.." i mumbled to myself nervously. "you okay y/n?" tori shouted in from the other room. i wasn't very close with tori but sikowitz had assigned us to be partners so we figured we might as well get to know eachother while we're at it, since i'm dating jade and all. i left my phone on the table, unable to think of what to text jade without her getting mad at me (i don't know what i was thinking.. obviously she's just gonna get more mad) and went back to the living room. me and tori had been working on our science project for the past 3 hours and we weren't even half way finished. "okay let's start putting the pieces together" tori said while sipping her pink lemonade. "nah it's after midnight, let's just bail" i stretched my body along the couch and turned on the TV. "y/n we have to finish it!! it's due in 2 days" i rolled my eyes and groaned. "fine." i propped myself back up and began gathering the pieces when jade burst through the door.
oh no... she looked furious. jade was terrifying, everyone knew that. i turned to look at tori but she was already looking at me, scared for her life. "oh hello y/n" she glared straight into my soul. "h- hi jade.. everything okay?" i stuttered. "is everything okay? IS EVERYTHING FUCKING OKAY??? first you leave me on delivered for 3 fucking hours, then i find out you're at tori fucking vega's house and then you ask me if i'm okay?" she was outraged. i was scared something bad was about to happen. usually to calm jade down, i'd fuck her, but since tori was here i couldn't do that. "we were just working on a science project, i- it's due in 2 days and i forgot to check my phone" jade raised her eyebrows. "go wait in the car." she demanded. "jade.. tori's just a fr-" "GO WAIT IN THE FUCKING CAR Y/N" i hurried out of tori's house and anxiously sat in the car, waiting for glass to smash or a fire to start. but nothing. there was no noise, no damage, just silence.
what felt like hours went by, i finally built up the courage to get out of the car and investigate. slowly, i opened the door to tori's house. "what.. the.. fuck.." tori was sleeping on the sofa naked and she had jades underwear in her hands, but jade was nowhere to be seen. what happened? why is tori holding my girlfriends fucking underwear?! i wanted to scream. and so i did. i screamed at the top of my lungs, letting out all of my anger and sadness all in one go. tori woke up startled but i stormed out of the house and drove off. i couldn't go home, i was scared jade would be there and i wasn't ready to face her. so instead i took a long drive down the hollywood hills until i found a gas station. i went in the store and got a bottle of vodka and some cigarettes. i was underage but nowadays it's pretty easy to flirt your way into things. i was about to get back in the car when i had a sudden urge of rebellion. i grabbed jade's keys out of my pocket and dragged them against the car doors, making several dints and marks. by the time i had finished, her entire car was ruined. i put my head in my hands and cried harder than i'd ever cried before.
a couple hours later i got myself up from the curb where i had been sitting and drinking my feelings away, and began walking down the empty road. i finally reached my house at around 2am. i had no sense of time since my phone had died but that was my guess. wearily, i opened the front door and stumbled inside. my mom wasn't home, like usual, she was probably out with her friends. i stripped naked while walking up the stairs and left my clothes lay on the floor. i hopped into bed and sobbed myself to sleep.

i'm sorry for this boring and sad chapter but it just had to be done😫🙌

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