in the library

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*this is just a one-shot and doesn't connect to the other chapters of toxic but pretty*

It was after school hours. The library was peaceful, and I was the only one there. I was given homework in every single class today so I was making my way through it contently. As I made my way onto the second page of math homework, a loud bang filled the room. I expected the librarian to do her usual "SHHHHH!" but she didn't. Nothing but silence. I peeked round the corner of the bookshelf, and it turned out she wasn't there. I assumed she'd got off early and left me here since she knows I'm trustworthy. I was about to turn back around when I noticed a familiar face over by the window. Her head was in her hands, and she seemed angry. No. Stressed? No... I couldn't figure her out. She was hard to understand. I couldn't just go over there and ask her. We were supposed to hate each other. Don't get it twisted, I do hate her; she's rude and selfish. But there's something about her, something that lures me in.

All of a sudden, a perky red-haired girl ran into the room. She giggled and skipped over to Jade. "What are you so worried about? Just tell her how you feel!" I immediately hid my face behind the bookshelf. This felt like a personal conversation... but I couldn't help myself. My ears perked up. Jade laughed sarcastically. "Tell her how I feel? Sure, Cat. That's a great idea. How about I just walk over to her house now and say "hey y/n, I know we're enemies or whatever but I secretly have feelings for you and would LOVE to fucking kiss you right now" My jaw dropped. Jade liked me...? Surely not. There must be another girl with my name in our year. My mind raced trying to think of someone with my name. No one. Feelings of excitement and nervousness intertwined within me. I swiftly picked up all of my books and headed for the side door just in case they came over here. I had all of my books stacked up resting on my left arm. I reached out to grab my tote bag off the chair when I tripped over my shoelace and dropped all of the books on the floor. I squinted my eyes shut and slapped my hand over my mouth. The sound those books made felt like the loudest sound in the world. Less than 2 seconds later, multiple footsteps ran over to where I was.

I was now face to face with Jade, I slowly removed my hand from over my mouth to behind my back. Cat quietly giggled and Jade's cheeks flushed with a light shade of pink. "I think I'll leave you two alone" Cat exclaimed happily. We stared into each other's eyes, shocked, until the door completely shut. Jade looked down at the floor. "I didn't know you were in here." she said, embarrassed. "I- I tried to leave but I heard my name and kinda just went into shock." She scanned the room before quietly asking how much of the conversation I heard. "Everything" I paused. "So... you wanna kiss me huh?" I smirked. She looked up at me annoyed. "Shut up y/n, I swear you better not tell anyone what you heard. Ever." "Yes ma'am." I teased. "You promise?" I held out my pinkie and she locked hers with mine. "Pinkie promise" I whispered, before pulling her closer to me and kissing her. She immediately responded to the kiss and before I knew it, we were making out passionately. She pushed me up against the bookshelf and began kissing my neck as I moaned softly and accidentally knocked several books off the shelf with one arm, the other wrapped around her waist slowly pulling her fitted long sleeve tee up. I pulled away from the kiss slightly, smirking whilst looking into her eyes. "God you're hot" she said breathlessly. I pulled her back into the heated kiss for a few moments before another familiar voice interrupted us. "Jade? You in here?" We looked at each other immediately; I could see the panic in her eyes. It was Jade's boyfriend, Beck...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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