at the club

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* this is not based on the rest of toxic but pretty, this is a one-shot based off a scenario with my irl crush but better and spicier

context: you and jade are friends, you've had the biggest crush on her since you moved to hollywood arts 3 years ago. you guys go clubbing with the group. jade and beck never dated but jade is apparently 'straight' 😏

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i had just arrived at the club with cat and andre. we were meeting jade, tori and beck there. robbie couldn't come because rex had a 'fever'. we waited outside of the club doors; the sun was setting and there was a brisk wind in the air. a couple minutes later the rest of the group arrived and we greeted each other with excited hugs. me and jade weren't close, we used to be last year but there was a whole thing and we distanced from each other. hopefully tonight will make us closer. i really like her. we began walking inside of the club. jade was next to me and cat was by my other side. we were talking about how excited we were to dance. jade was really close to me, our shoulders and arms were brushing each other's.
           as we arrived in the main part of the club, we strutted to the dance floor where everyone was dancing and drinking. i felt like the main character. we followed the boys right into the middle of the dance floor and we began dancing to the song that was playing. i wasn't familiar with it but it was a really good song. i felt kind of awkward at first so i pulled a couple of mini shot bottles out of my bra. "you want one?" i offered jade. "are you sure?" i nodded. "thanks" she smiled happily. "3.. 2.. 1.." me and jade downed our shots and winced at the bitter taste of vodka. "you wanna go to the bar and do some more before we carry on? i feel like i'll be better at dancing" jade laughed. "i was just thinking that, let's go" i said. i motioned for tori to come but she shook her head and pointed to beck. she was going to try and make a move. ew.. straight people. we sat down on 2 high stools. "can i have a double vodka coke please?" i turned to look at jade. "what would you like?" she was confused. she didn't realise i was ordering for her. "i'm gonna order a vodka coke too" i nodded and smiled. "make that 2 double vodka cokes, thanks" i said to the bartender. she looked at me and tilted her head. "wait.. did you just buy me a drink?" i laughed. "yeah" "no no no please don't spend your money on me y/n" i put my hand on her shoulder and assured her that it was fine. i usually hate spending money on people, but i like her a lot. i might even love her. even though we've never dated. "are you sure that it's fine? i feel bad" "don't feel bad, it's only a drink" she nodded and thanked me with the sweetest smile on her face. that shot had already gave me confidence. i'm normally so nervous around her. "look the drinks are here! you ready to down them?" she asked eagerly. i nodded. we took our glasses and counted down from 3. i wiped my mouth and put my glass down on the bar, as did she a couple seconds later. "let's dance" she said, taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor.
             we tried to find the group but 'just dance' by lady gaga started playing and we HAD to dance. she took my other hand and put both on her shoulders. she placed hers on my hips and we danced while shouting the lyrics. she began moving her hips and getting closer to me. trailing her hands up my body and around my shoulders. i swept my hands around her waist and turned her around while she continued to move. she turned her head to the side so she was looking at me slightly and danced up and down my body while i kept hold of her waist and moved my hips to her rhythm. 'i kissed a girl' by katy perry started playing.. it's like the universe was giving me signs. she turned back around to face me fully and took my hands. we threw them in the air and jumped up and down while we sang the lyrics. as the beat slowed down a little she was staring into my eyes. i couldn't figure out what look she was giving me. did she want to kiss me? did she want to dance again? she let go of my hands and put hers by her waist. i took my hands down too. "are you okay?" i asked genuinely. "yes. very" she smirked. "i wanna do something but i'm nervous. can we go get more drinks?" i said yes and she took my hand and lead me back to the bar. we ordered a round of drinks and talked. "i hope i make out with someone tonight. i've never made out with anyone" my eyes widened. "wait.. you've never made out with anyone? but you're so hot?!" she smiled widely and told me she loved me. she meant it in a friend way. as much as i wished she meant it in a different way i still got butterflies. "i've just never had the opportunity. that's why i wanna get drunk so i have the confidence to ask someone" i wanted to tell her that i'd make out with her.. but i was nervous. what if she rejected me? i bit the inside of my lip and took another sip of my drink. i think she noticed that i was nervous because she kept side-eyeing me. i chugged the last bit of my drink, as did she, and we walked back to the dance floor. suddenly, one of our favourite songs started playing.                                                     this song was the reason we became close; its what made us bond. we looked at each other with warm excited smiles. "come on we HAVE to dance to this!" she said eagerly. i laughed and took her hand, moving closer to the centre of the dance floor. we still hadn't found the group, we knew they were somewhere around here but neither of us cared. we just wanted to dance to the song. we began dancing sexily and singing the lyrics. the alcohol was hitting me and my confidence increased drastically. i took her hips and she pulled into me. we were centimetres apart. we remained eye contact while dancing. as the beat slowed down, our favourite part of the song was about to play. the beat was seductive yet heavenly. the music made my stomach turn and my legs go numb. it was so fucking good. still keeping eye contact, i tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. she looked up at me sweetly. "can't have your hair covering your beautiful face, can we now?" i smiled as did she. she looked at my lips then back up to my eyes. as the beat was seconds away from our favourite part. i moved my head closer to hers and cupped her face. i didn't even have to kiss her, she immediately placed her lips on mine, caressing my hair and holding my face. i moved my hand to the back of her neck and my other down to her hip. as she began kissing me faster and faster, i could see that she wanted more. i traced my fingers away from her waist and down to her ass, grabbing it with my hand. she pulled her lips slightly away from mine to moan. within seconds she began kissing me again. i bit her bottom lip, still groping her ass. her short black dress was rolling up so i quickly pulled it back down. i pulled away a little and swiftly kissed her full lips a couple more times before tucking her hair back behind her ear. "woah" she said in shock. "did you like it?" i asked, trying not to sound thirsty but i desperately wanted to know if she enjoyed it. after all, i had been crushing on her for years. it was going to take even longer to process the shit that just happened. "that was amazing. i never expected my first kiss to be a girl" oh. i forgot she wasn't into girls. i needed to get over this. "yeah haha i guess we just had a few too many drinks" she laughed but then pulled a slight face. she didn't realise i saw. "i'm into girls though by the way, jade. i know you're not but i just wanted to tell you" she looked at me as if she was going to say something but she closed her mouth and smiled instead. i decided we needed to make the most of this night, i wasn't going to let anything ruin it. "hey we should probably go and find the group" she nodded her head and took my hand, following me through the crowd. the hand holding didn't mean anything, it's just so we don't lose each other in the crowd. i saw a girl with red hair jumping up and down. it was cat! we stumbled through drunk dancing girls and finally reached her. she was with andre. tori and beck were nowhere to be seen. well.. i guess we won't be seeing them for the rest of the night. they're probably already at the hotel across the road.                        
we all danced for the rest of the night, drinking a shit ton of alcohol and forgetting about our problems. i even managed to forget about the kiss for a while. that was until jade started dancing on me. the audience made a circle to watch us. not to be egotistical or anything but we were definitely the two hottest people there. we started dancing sexily and then jade asked if she could throw it back on me. i laughed and said yes. she slowly started moving to the beat. i held her hips gently and pulled into her while she threw it back on me. i began pretending to throw money on her slowly while biting my lip and smiling, then i held her ass with one hand while the other was in the air. we were moving to the beat and everyone was cheering and whistling at us. we went back into the crowd and jumped up and down excitedly. "i cant believe i just did that! never in a million years would i have thought i'd do that jade" i laughed. "me neither! i love you so much y/n. you've made this night 10x better" i blew her a kiss and we began dancing again. cat started dancing with me, jumping up and down in her usual bubbly manner. to our surprise there was only an hour left until the club shut. time flew so fast. we spent the rest of the time doing shots and dancing.

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