the school sleepover p1

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"i hope you're all ready for the.." sikowitz takes a dramatic pause before shouting "HOLLYWOOD ARTS SLEEPOVER!" we all sighed.. apart from cat. "c'mon guys it'll be fun!!" the perky red head squealed. i rolled my eyes and slumped into my chair as sikowitz began rambling about the sleepover.

"it's tonight at 7pm sharp, don't be late or you'll be sleeping on the cold hard floor" he said in a sarcastic tone, except i think he was serious. "do we really have to do this?" jade groaned. "yes! and if you don't participate you'll be given an F for your overall grade this term"

a long 45 minutes later, the bell finally rung. it was last period so jade waited for me and she drove me home. as i arrived home i slumped onto the sofa and turned on the TV. jade came over and sat next to me. i placed my head on her shoulder and she played with my hair. her fingers gently ran through my curls and i closed my eyes at the pleasure.

i abruptly woke up from a loud crashing sound coming from the television. i was lay on the sofa with a blanket wrapped tightly around me but jade was nowhere to be found. i got up and went upstairs. jade was sleeping in my bed with 2 bags packed and a note that said:

                   i couldn't get comfortable
                      but i packed the bags

                           wake me up at 7
                                    ily <3

it was 6:30pm and i couldn't resist waking her up. i needed to kiss and cuddle her. i loved her soft side.. well i loved all her sides. but this one was adorable.

"babe.. babe wake up" jade grunted and rubbed her eyes. "what?" she said in a croaky tired voice. i tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. "it's time to go" she was about to get up but i lightly pushed her back down and hugged her. she chuckled. "don't we need to go?" i began kissing her neck. "we still have time. it doesn't matter if we're late anyway, it's gonna be boring" i kissed her lips and she ran her hands through my hair. the kiss deepened.

20 minutes later i was panting while my legs were shaking violently. jade was smirking while putting her coat on. "you coming or not?" i let out a sarcastic laugh at her pun. "very funny" i got up and used all my energy to put my skirt back on. i grabbed my bag and we headed to school.

*2 of my friends found my story so i made it private for a couple days but then i realised idgaf if they read it or not😃*

also it's my bday tomorrow (april 23rd)

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