4: The Weight of Hate

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By this time you should know that if I owned Merlin it would've ended much happier!

I can hear Gaius testing and retesting potions, flipping through books older than him, and cursing every so often as another ray of hope is snuffed out. It's funny the things you notice when you can no longer see. Touch and hearing become your most important senses. I rub my wrists; they still hurt from the shackles, but Gaius says all my wounds should heal well.
"Four days!" I jump up rather jarringly from the cot I'm sitting on as Arthur barges into Gaius' chambers. "Four days and she's still not let him go!" Well great, now my back hurts again.
"Sire please," Gaius responds, clearly frustrated at the dramatic interruption. "I am left with very little to actually work with here. Most things I have to test for myself to see if they work, and a good many of them could kill Merlin if I don't do the proper process on them."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Arthur takes a deep breath to calm down and regain his composure. "Surely there must be some book that explains how to break this curse?"
"Unfortunately," Gaius responds very carefully. "King Uther had all books explaining such things destroyed. He feared the magic to cure as much as the magic to curse." His tone holds some bitterness that surprises me; I wonder if Arthur heard it or if I only noticed because I'm listening closer? "I'm afraid any hope we have of this curse ending lies with Morgana." I can hear Arthur pacing the room in frustration.
"You mean to tell me that he burned books on how to BREAK curses? This is madness. How many other books were destroyed, what knowledge was lost that might have saved dozens, even hundreds of innocent people?" I can hear him pause as his newfound knowledge sinks in. "Merlin can't walk around blindfolded forever!"
"I wouldn't have to if Morgana is dead." The words leave my mouth before I even realize I thought them, and I can feel both of them staring at me. "Now hear me out, I know it sounds crazy, but she captured me before, remember? And she can see what I see. So if I leave Camelot heading the way I was going before, NOT blindfolded, then she'll think I'm alone. As long as I don't look at you Arthur. She'll probably think I'm coming to beg for my sight back and recapture me to try to get information out of me. She'll have no idea you're with me and you can attack her while she least expects it." I wait impatiently as they process my plan. I'm sick of being blind and if we don't know how to cure it using magic then we must break her spell.
"Be ready to leave in the morning," Arthur tells me after far too much silence. I sigh in relief and grin; this is it! I'll get my sight back! I just wish I didn't have to lie about my plan to Arthur.

His Name: MERLINWhere stories live. Discover now