10: To Be the King You See Me As

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I don't own Merlin, and by now it's safe to assume there will be violence in this.

I stare straight ahead, feeling the knife pulled away from my throat. Morgana laughs, shoving me, and I topple over with no opposition. Blood is beginning to puddle on the stones beneath me, and as quickly as my blood runs out, the cold from the floor seeps into my body. She can do what she wants now. Well, to me anyway. What's the difference, if I leave here I'll be executed by Arthur anyway. I need to get him and Gwaine out. But me? Either way I'm dead.
"Merlin just answer me, you said you were ready to talk, right?" I nod a little. "But now you aren't?" I nod again. My head feels heavy. I just want to crawl into the earth and hide for a century. "Then what do we need to get you ready to talk again, hmmm?" She circles me and pauses only to trace the design she'd carved into my chest. I wince at the pain, watching her fingers move away coated in sticky scarlet.
"Leave him alone, he was probably delirious," Arthur says, shocking me into looking up at him. Arthur gives me a very pained-looking smile, moving closer to me. I back up, but Morgana looks curious.
"I thought you were furious at being betrayed yet again at your trust being broken?" She says this mockingly, grabbing me by one arm as her goon grabs me by the other, hoisting me to a standing position despite my lack of balance. "After all, he's known for quite a while about Emrys. I believe he's even friends with the sorcerer! What's that say about the bastard's allegiance, hmmm?" With no warning, they shove me towards Arthur; I pull back the second I hit into him, supporting myself weakly against the wall and trying to keep an eye on everyone. They did that on purpose, baiting him then sending me into the lion's den. Though I brace myself for the attack, it doesn't come. Instead, Arthur takes me gently by the arm and puts it over his shoulder to help to support my weight, letting me lean on him. He gives me another tight, small smile, as if trying to tell me it'll be okay. I'm still reeling when he answers her.
"It means that he was doing what he believed to be best for me and for Camelot. Merlin is the best friend I've ever had, and even if he practiced magic I'd still trust him," he says, looking at me pointedly. I feel relief and hope spring up in the hollow hole in my heart where it had resided before. I close my eyes so Morgana doesn't see them change to gold as I allow my magic to begin to heal the worst of my injuries. He's accepting me. He is allowing me to be myself. My magic hasn't corrupted me to him. It's going to be okay. I don't know how, but it's going to be okay.
"Well as heartwarming as that is, I need answers," she snaps, and I hear a guard move. I push Arthur behind me as I feel my magic begin to surge, strengthening me more and more by the second. I open my eyes and Morgana gasps, stepping back.
"YOU!" She shouts, pointing at me in unveiled terror. "You're HIM! You- you can't be- Emrys!" I straighten up a little, no longer needing to lean on Arthur for support. Warmth spreads through my chest and I look down to see the triskelion glow a warm gold before sealing the open wound into a perfect scar, keeping the shape. It seems my magic likes the symbol. I grin at Morgana, eyes still glowing, and give her a slight bow.
"You wanted to know where I was so badly. What can I do for you?" I glance at the guards and they go flying back into the walls. The one who'd hit Arthur before is cowering. "And you. I really did warn you not to hurt my king." With a slight wave, he's laying on the stone floor at Gwaine's feet.
"You can't be him! Why would you serve Arthur like this if you're him?!?" She shrieks, backing up to the cell door, keeping one hand raised in defense.
"Because Emrys' destiny is to protect Arthur so he can bring about Albion of course. Oh...And something else too, isn't it? Hmmm what was that other thing? Ah! Of course. My destiny is also to defeat you." I send a fireball directly into her chest, knocking her back, and she counters with one of her own that slams me into a wall, singed.
"You know destinies can be changed! You can't really believe it's set in stone." I smile again, shaking off the pain as best I can. The healing could only do so much; I really should learn true healing spells.
"You look pretty terrified for someone who doesn't believe in destinies." I wave my hand and she slams the far wall outside the cells. She whispers a spell and her dagger flies at me, though I stop it before it can embed itself into my chest. Barely.
"Merlin, mate, come on let's go. We can deal with her another time," Gwaine says, eyeing Morgana suspiciously. I glance at Arthur for his command, and he nods.
"Another time. We need to get back for now." I nod back, a bit relieved, and send a wave of magic into the witch, knocking her out cold, then collapse back against the wall again.
"Well that was exciting! Maybe next trip we should fight gods or something," I say sarcastically, my whole back feeling like it's being seared as the adrenaline fades, bringing the pain back in full force. Arthur walks over to me and I tense, waiting.
"I'm sorry Merlin. I should've known you were on my side. You always have been, and I should've known not to doubt you. I see now that you really have faith in me, and I...I don't know if I fully deserve it. But I'm gonna do my best to live up to the king you think I can be. But yeah. Sorry. I was being a clotpole," he adds, giving me a small smile. I relax and nod, and he puts one of my arms over his shoulder so he can support me again.
"Don't worry about it. It's not every day you find out your servant has magic," I joke, allowing him to support some of my weight so we can move quicker. "Down the hall to the right. Let's get out of here." The three of us leave the cell, and Gwaine pesters me with questions about my magic and all of the adventures I've been on.

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