Chapter 3

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Note: Please tell me how you feel about the chapter, even a single word good, bad, predictable, or not. Anything works.

If you really want an interesting mind-blowing story please give me feedback.

I really need it to write for the next chapters.


Moving through the house I picked the small things that were scattered here and there. Music was the only company that I had for now.

My hand moved to my belly thinking about how in a few months I won't feel this alone. There would be this little being that I would have to take care of and love. The dreams I had for so long coming true and there was nothing much more I wanted to think about.

I had stopped thinking about the past and dwelling on it. There was this fear deep inside of me that the more I thought of my past the more would be the chances of bad things happening to me. It was idiotic but I just didn't want to take any risk and what good was my past.

I just didn't wanted to think about it all together after the dream I had in the morning.

I hummed the songs I tied the house around. Aaron wouldn't have liked me doing anything but I had to do something to pass my time. There were just enough books that I could read and tv I could watch. I had a helping hand though for cleaning but I liked to put in a bit of effort myself because this was my home.

As I organized the things all around the house I stumbled upon Aaron's tablet. He usually never missed to take it. Maybe he had forgotten it because I had delayed him.

I called him but he didn't answer. I tried a few times before giving up on it. Maybe he was stuck in a meeting. I knew he was going to leave after twelve.

Maybe I should just go to his office and hand him over to him. I looked at the time counting that there was almost an hour left before he left.

I didn't put much thought into it any longer. He would be needing this for his business trip so I needed to hand it over to him before he left.

Picking my car keys and locking the house I made my way down to the basement. I knew all the ways around the city by now when you are alone and have nothing to do. I had taken it upon me to walk around the city and explore alone. It wasn't going to take me more than thirty minutes to get to his office with the normal traffic.

Sadly the traffic wasn't normal and it had taken me forty minutes to reach his office and then another ten for finding a place to park. All throughout the way, I tried calling him again but once again none of the calls were answered. I tried his secretary too but that number was going busy for most of the time of the day today.

It was as today was nothing but a busy day today. The elevator was crowded and I had to wait to take another one. I had thought of taking the stair but going up twenty-two floors wasn't going to be any easy. Even the elevator had to make numerous stops and all I could do was, wait for my floor to come. When I had stepped out on my floor I had breathed out a sigh of relief. There were still five minutes left to twelve. I might be able to still catch him.

Moving towards the office I tried to greet back the employees who greeted me but I knew I missed a few. I didn't know other people but everyone knew me as the boss's wife. I moved towards his office. His secretary wasn't outside but I could see she was standing inside the office facing Aaron's table.

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