Chapter 5

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I looked out the window as the plane descended down the airstrip. The familiarity of the place even seemed strange to me. I was born and raised here but this place was never for me. It had never been good to me.

Why would it now?

My home was with Aaron but it could never be here. We both hated this place, hated the memories that were in every corner. This place was tainted with my past and the pain we both once had to suffer.

I had never stepped afoot here ever since we had left. Even if he had work in this city he never pushed me to come here with him. Coming for him wasn't easy and he tried to keep his trips as small as possible. This was the place where I had lost myself and rebuilt at the same time. However, the thing that made me detest this place was her existence and of my parents. They lived here and I never wanted to see them. Even in their death, I had no desire to see them or attend their funerals.

"A car is waiting for us to take us straight to the hospital," he told me as he sat straighter in his seat making my eyes move to him. I nodded to him but we both couldn't look into each other eyes. For a brief moment, I had looked in his eyes and I had seen love and pain crashing in them.

I had no desire to give him hope of love because there was never going to be a future for us. Our train had passed and so had our time.

We were no longer going to be where we once were.

As the plane descended I looked at the city that was once my home that only brought me nothing but devastation and heartache. Looking away I just stared at the interior of the plane as the painful memories resurfaced. Everything flashed before my eyes. The pain of childhood, marriage, and what this society gave me. My hand closed in a fist as I fought all the memories and pain.

They could no longer hurt me. Never again. I told myself.

Getting off the plane we completed our journey to the hospital, in silence. My eyes shut close praying for my only love, my husband.

"We are almost there," Erik's voice had me open my eyes and look at him. His eyes had stared at me all through the journey. I could still feel his eyes on me but I didn't want to look at him because it would have been like fanning a fire to let it grow. He had once crossed all the limits for his love of Serena and I would never want him to do that. I was scared of the crazy side of love that had been shown to me by both Erik and Serena.

"He is going to be fine," I asked as my heart rate took a spike. Erik nodded to me before looking forward. The car came to a halt and I opened my gate urgently. A man rushed forward towards Erik and they both talked in hushed tones.

"What is it?" I asked as I reached them.

"Aaron is in surgery right now," the words were delivered quickly as if a band-aid was being ripped off the skin. No mercy. I almost lost my balance for a second.

"What for?" I tried to keep on a hard exterior. I didn't want to break not right now when Aaron needed me the most.

"The accident had caused a severe injury in his right arm and lungs. Doctors are sure he would be just fine after the surgery," I nodded to Erik's word.

"Lead us to where he is, Hector," Erik ordered and the other man leads us into the hospital. Taking the elevator upstairs we were taken to a waiting area where Hector informed the nurse about the arrival of Aaron's family. I felt on edge. It was just like the last time when Aaron was taken in for surgery.

I didn't want to lose him. I would even fight the gods just to save him. For once everything was going right for me, I wouldn't lose anything at all now. My husband and child are the only things that were important to me. Erik and I waited as Hector went inside and came back with a woman dressed in scrubs. She was a resident who had come out just to tell us that there was nothing to worry about that Aaron was in safe hands. Before I could ask her anything she returned back to where she came from.

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