Chapter 6

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"It's a busy day, isn't it?" I asked my secretary as she told me all about the number of appointments that were still awaiting me today. I already had seen four of my patients and there were still another twelve to go.

"It is sadly no one once enters doesn't want to leave," I rolled my eyes at her words. Every patient needed to be assessed carefully. Mind was one tricky thing. One needs time to understand each person and no two people can be the same.

"A session varies and I can't hustle at all. I do take my work seriously," I took pride in my work. Though it had taken me time to gain confidence after my fail with Serena. I took it to my heart. Serena was one victim that couldn't be saved even if God was in front of her. Amelia, her mother, was the devil herself. I had abandoned my search altogether because it drove me crazy.

Maybe I should have chosen to be a surgeon just like Chyna. I amused myself with the thought but then I thought about all the blood. I had fainted holding the scalpel while I was studying. Chyna had always teased me about it even though I was her older brother.

The ringing of the phone drew me away from my thoughts. The name of the caller made me think of only one thing.

Think of the devil and the devil may appear.

Chyna's name flashed on the phone. I dismissed my secretary and answered the call.

"Chyna, I was just thinking about you," she called me every week to see what I was doing. I loved her but she needed to stop sending me on blind dates.

"Nathaniel," I heard her speak my name in a sigh. Maybe she was tired. Mom had told me that she was over-exerting herself.

"Hey, you alright?" Chyna could be many things but not an idiot enough to never take care of her health. She was the second mother to me though I was the one who was older than her.

"You should come here," Her words stilled me. What did she mean by that? Had something gone wrong with Mom and Dad? I had just talked to mom last night and there was nothing much to worry about. "She is here and it's worst than what you could have ever thought off," she added.

"Chyna, what has happened, and are you talking about mom? She was alright when I talked to her-," I was getting off my seat and picking up my coat within seconds.

"It's not mom, Nathaniel," she said in a whisper and I felt the worry closing on me easing for a bit. "It's Serilda," I heard her name in a bare whisper.

Everything halted for me. No. I didn't want to believe the fact that something bad was happening. She was happily married and living a new life with Aaron. She had gotten out of the city and escaped from it all. There was no way for her to be harmed there.

However, deep down I knew that one day she would be hurt and there wouldn't be anything I could do to protect her even though how hard I tried. I had found solace in the fact that she had had Aaron, that whatever happens, he wouldn't ever let any harm come to her. He would do everything to protect her.

"Chyna, she has her husband. I don't think," I couldn't even bring myself to bring to say that I believed that he would save her. Aaron might have loved her but he had no idea about the danger Serilda was in because of her own mother. He had no idea what a dangerous woman Amelia was. How could he have saved her when he had no idea of the threat that hung over her head?

"He is in surgery, Nathaniel. It's so much worse and twisted that I can't even explain it to you," Chyna paused and I could hear her taking deep breaths. My eyes widened at her words. What was happening? I could feel worry sweep into my bones.

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