Chapter 32- The festival of colours

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'My heart is full of you
I can hardly call it
my own'
                     - Liana Râdulescu



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The festival of colours

Avrudh’s POV

Sadhvi laughed beside me looking out of the windshield, “I think it’s working” her eyes zooming at the front

I laughed,
“You shouldn’t have eaten more Gujiya once you found out your thandai was laced”

She laughed, “I know but I was totally hammered with the music that I without realizing ate three more of them”

“And you are hammered anyways”
I said as a matter of factly

Sadhvi did nothing but covering her mouth with the back of her left hand on the passenger seat laughed looking out of the window.

Morning of 9th of March found us celebrating HOLI at my in-laws house. It was all good and dazzling before Sadhvi accidently drank a glass of Bhaang.

After that the function turned even entertaining. Sadhvi realizing that now everybody knows she is hammered took total advantage of it.

It wasn’t even been fifteen minutes of her drinking it when she claimed she is totally done for and made everyone go crazy.

She cornered me against the wall asking my help to take care of her if she actually does something too daring.

She made her parents dance on a romantic song.

Made Meheka rap and Sanidhya mimic his Papa ji’s angry tone.

She made my mother confess her undying love for my father and she made Avesh almost cry blaming him playing with both the sisters. The poor brother of mine was struggling and I found my

I was spared till now but something told me my torture was waiting for me.

I decided to take Sadhvi home when the first wave of Bhaang hit her. She informed me she doesn’t remember from where she came and what task she came with before hugging my back in front of everyone.

I was embarrassed but amazed altogether.

I was eating Holi special sweets when she practically snatched it away from between my finger tips and nibbled on it until her third.

It was then when I realized I need to take her home until she actually does something daring. She was eating sweet willingly if that wasn’t the signal then I don’t know what was.

I parked the car outside the front porch and ran upto Sadhvi’s side of door, opening I saw her smiling at me and walking out.

I beeped the car lock and asked, “Will you be able to walk?”

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