Chapter 1- Up the stairs

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Sadhvi's POV

It was Saturday and twenty-nine years old I, was giddy going to her best friends’ house.

I was staying the night and if things permit the next night too. Parent’s permission to be exact.

Old or not parents are always there.
Even at this age I ask for their permission because kid-ish it might sound, I’ve been like that since forever now.

I don’t like changes.

I tend to follow what I’ve learnt and practice what I’ve been taught.
I walk by my rules—some my own set or some set by my parents when I was not independent.

My sister tells me that I don’t have that ‘X’ factor which she calls thrill and chill.

Because I never stalked my crushes for fun, never followed and talked to them unless forced.
Never done anything out of comfort zone, never stepped out of my bubble. My sister and best friend do that for me. They fill me up and push me to chill.

But this doesn’t make me less savage than I already am.

The sass I spill is mostly the reason I am popular, both bad and in good ways.

I like to burn them in envy or jealousy, I couldn’t care less. There is another level of satisfaction in this.

Hey! I am a good girl a little arrogant as you assume but caring.

I am a late bloomer.

Everything I asked in life reached me but with own speed. Or more like riding a hand rail cart.
I was born late, after 7 years of my parents wedding, I started talking and walking early but started my schooling one year late.
Joined my college one year late because I skipped a year to excel entrance exams, it wasn’t enough what I gained to enroll me in the college of my liking;
I pursued post-graduation too but got my certificate an year later, because the university delayed it, technical default.

And now 29 but single, not married, not engaged and not in a relationship for that matter

Life couldn’t suck any more

So I hope the late bloomer statement is justified.

I’ve dated a few guys in my life, had quite a number of men falling for me, both in school and colleges.

I was the crush of a lot of boys in my class--  I got the information after graduating school. My social media was suddenly filling with confession. Why do boys do that?

Why not during school?

Maybe your confession that time would've boosted my confidence a bit more.

Well a few of them mustered enough courage to ask me out during school days too but I refused them politely. So I guess here I have my answer.

NO, nobody wants rejection and the embarrassment that follows.

There was a boy in school who followed me around since class eighth until eleventh where I buzzed him off quite good, using my father force. Lol.

He used to rush those boys out of my way because he had marked me his territory to hit on.

Everytime a new guy joined our class he made his duty to warn him off beforehand.

I have been called stuck-up numerous times in my life but that didn’t stop them from approaching me.

Calling me stuck-up and cold hearted was their way of seeing revenge.

Let me be your moonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora