Some Help From Tori

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~12:10pm: Edd's apartment~

Tori's POV:

"I.. Am im love with Thomas.." He said hastily. I smirk, already knowing what he was about to say. "Better." We stay quiet for an awkward 2 minutes before he bursts out, "Well?!"

"What do you mean 'well'?! You've told me, you can leave now, bye bye!" I waved my hands jokingly and he just shoved them away. "Okay, look. I need advice.."

"What for? You're me and I'm you if you've forgotten already, I seriously don't think I can be as much help-" I reminded him, but got interrupted, "Yeah but these past three years.. Honestly you really can't tell me that you haven't gotten any confessions or at least knew that someone liked you!"

"True.. But you know Tom's probably different. The other boys, God they were all fucking simps. And the girls were as well, but not as submissive as the men." I shrugged. Honestly I would've straight-up told him that Tom was madly in love with him and that he was too much of an oblivious fool to know but it really isn't my secret to tell. "So, remember I'm not a professional but.." I leaned towards Tord and whispered in his ear: "Maybe you should read his journal."

Tord jerked back a little, "I really don't think that's a good idea, I seriously can't his trust." he rubbed his nape nervously. "How do you even know if he has a journal?"

"Well a year ago I snuck into Tam's room looking for a bottle of vodka, seeing as we'd run out," I stopped talking for a minute and took a handful of crisps and shoved them in my mouth. "I looked here and there but couldn't find it. So I decided to check her desk and opened a drawer underneath it. I pulled out a blue notebook with a checkered sign in the corner. I opened it and saw Tamara's handwriting."

"Let me guess you read every page?" He hopped off the sofa and headed to the kitchen to get a can of Sprite and a bunch of green grapes, he came back and leaped onto the couch-- somehow not spilling his food. "Yeah," I finally replied, "You didn't get caught? And you seriously didn't care that you basically invaded her privacy?"

"P-lease! You're me, and I'm you," I reminded him once again, "Let me remind you that we used to run a fucking communist army! So obviously the last thing on my mind was caring if I was invading her privacy, and know that we never get caught."

"So basically go read it is what you're saying?" He spoke, his voice was muffled mainly because his mouth was pretty much stuffed with grapes. "Yes go read it!"

"And if I get caught?" he stammered, while drinking his can of Sprite. "Don't worry!~ I'll keep watch!" I pat him harshly on the back and winked at him. He rolled his eyes and got off the sofa and put his hands on his hips. "Alright then!" He exclaimed enthusiastically before dashing off to Tom's room.

I sat there quietly for about 5 minutes, waiting to see if he'd come out or anything. Seeing as there was no issue I stood up, stole Tord's half-drank can of Sprite and bowl of grapes before running off, locking the door quietly before leaving. Yeah you see, I promised Tom I wouldn't tell his secret. I never promised Tord that did I? Okay I'm not being a dick, I fucking promise! I'm doing them a favour.

Tom's POV:

I squint my eyes open and looked around the room, fuck what happened last night? I have one HELL of a hangover. Oh yeah, some dude tried fucking me when I was fucking wasted. What a fun experience a groan, annoyed that my plan, well technically Edd's plan, didn't work. I look behind and see that Tord isn't there, what a great way to start my day. I check my phone for the time '12:50pm' And I woke up late, great. I huff and hop off the bed, grab my towel and head into the bathroom to take a shower.

I take the towel and ruffle it in my hair before drying myself and wrapping it around my waist. My hair was still a little damp but honestly who cared. I pulled my toothbrush out of the cup it was in, smeared some toothpaste on it and but it in my mouth. I brushed my teeth while walkie out of the bathroom. I open the wardrobe and the drawer that belonged to me. I dug around and saw nothing but boxers, one pair of sweatpants and some socks.

Yeah.. I should just re-wear my hoodie from last night. I lookef behind me and saw that the laundry basket had been emptied out. I always ask Tord to wash the clothes but now? Seriously, he couldn't hace washed it a different day? I huff and look back at his wardrobe, digging in his pile of messily folded clothing. I look at his hoodie, Jehovah I'm dying to wear it.. I look away and pick up a dark grey tank top and put it on instead.

I put on my boxers and look back at his wardrobe. He wouldn't mind if I wore a pair of his jeans too.. I take a pair of denim jeans and put then on. I jog back into thr bathroom and take my toothbrush out of my mouth. I spit into the sink and rinse my brush. I put the brush back in its cup and wipe my mouth. I walked back into Tord's room and fell on his bed-- face first. I heard a knock at the door and groaned as I picked myself back up.

I walked groggily towards the door and opened it, onky to see Tori in front of me waving like an idiot. She had a bowl of grapes and a can of Sprite in her hand for some, odd reason. "Well?? Aren't you going to let me in?!" She barked. I rolled my eyes and opened the door for her. She pranced in like she owned the place-- Well I mean, she technically does since she's Tord's counterpart. I closed the door and looked back at her. "So.. Why are you here, exactly?"

She had her mouth stuffed with grapes, she looked back and tried swallowing the green fruits a quick as possible. "Oh yeah! I forgot!" She giggled and sipped some Sprite from the can she held. "Well you see.."

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