Tori You Traitor!

813 34 39

Tord's POV

"Red, you want to partner up?" Tom smiled. He looked happy, genuinely happy. He wore a smile that I had not seen in a long time. And knowing that I caused him to lose it pains me deeply.

"No, I suggest that you partner with all of those idiots beside you." I said in a bored tone while pointing at the small crowd next to Tom's table. There were what, 20? People wanting to be Tom's partner.

I wasn't dumb, I knew that Tom was popular. While I, am the kid who is known for being able to break your neck within a millisecond. The tables really have turned.

"Tom? Could I be your partner?" A dark chocolate brunette asked Tom while rubbing her elbow. I knew that the only reason everyone wanted to be Tom's partner was because he was top in the class.... Right after me.

"Oh, sorry but I'm with Red." Tom said but not too cheerfully. I heard gasps from half of the room. It was silent for a while. Until I decided to break it. "Look, Thomas was just joking. I would never partner up with him" I stated sternly.

Tom just huffed and turned away. "I guess I'm going solo again..." He told everyone who crowded in attempt to partner with the him but end up failing.

The next 4 hours were basically just some more people trying to partner with Tom. Or him trying to partner with me. Honestly, why is he being so social? He's supposed to be the pessimistic, anti-social. Not the bubbly social butterfly!


Everyone heard the bell and began picking up their books or stretching awake from their naps. It was a free period just now so it was fine to take naps.

I got my books and began rushing down the stairs. I was going to meet Tori. I walked past a few lockers before noticing a boy getting kicked and hit by three other guys. And they were none other than Mark, Jon and Eduardo.

I decided not to interfere. But it wouldn't hurt to-- oops.

As I was walking by, I tripped one of Eduardo's feet causing him to fall off balance. I rushed off and headed to my locker. I shoved my books in there and dashed out.

I knew they were following me. Thank goodness I was faster than them. Hey, when you're a army leader you need to have good stamina. I pant while pushing the door open.

I see Tori sitting at the same spot we sat at yesterday. I head over and sit down on the opposite seat. "So what do you want to order?" I finally take off my hood and ask her.

"You're my male counterpart and you're asking me?" Tori joked while rolling her eyes. "Yes, I shall get you weed." I sarcastically replied.

I head over to the counter and the cashier blushes at the sight of me, despite that the right side of my face is disgusting. Apparently, she just couldn't see it.

"Um, two cups coffees and and two plates of bacon please." She nods and Grabs a cup and a marker. "What are your names?" She asked

"Tori and Tord." I reply, "Okay, you're order will be there shortly." I nod and head back to the table. "So~" Tori cooed slightly. "So what?" I crossed my arms.

"Where's the hentai?!" She pouted. I pulled out my hentai with had a the title 'Yaoi' right above it. "Give me!" Tori squealed while reaching out for it.

"Did you bring yours?" I ask. She nodded and pulled out a hentai manga exactly like mine except it was labeled 'Yuri'

We began reading and then commenting to each other from time to time. Also gaining disgusted, weird looks from adults and children. Tori then put down the manga and stood up from her place. "Well, I'm going to go take a smoke break." I just nodded in reply.

I put my hentai in my bag and ignore my boner. I take out my smartphone to browse social media. I check my contacts and scroll.

The names I saw, hurt me. Not only that but it reminded me of the old times. The happy times.

Jehova's Witness

Favourite Cola Boi


I turned off my my phone, put it in my hoodie pocket and pull my hood up. And as if on cue, someone shouts my name.

But it wasn't just anyone. I flinch at the familiar voice and jolt my head up.


Oh, now isn't this fun? The person that you've been constantly trying to avoid and ignore for the past three years comes straight up to you to put all your efforts to waste. How fun....

"Red? I didn't think you'd be here." Tom laughs and takes a seat in the opposite seat. "Em, my friend is sitting there." I pointed at the seat that he was sitting on.

"Well, I sit on it for now. You know, just to keep it warm~"

The last sentence sent chills down my spine. It wasn't really scary, to him it was more of... Lustful? Seductive. Yeah, seductive...
This honestly reminds me of a hentai I read...

I talk to Tom for a small while. But always checking here and there for Tori. After 30 minutes had past I noticed that she still wasn't here!

I caught a glimpse of her standing outside of the window throwing me a thumbs-up. I growled silently.



Hey, sorry this was short. Its currently 7:31am and I'm pretty tired. I know it doesn't seem early but I pulled an all nighter so sorry for the short chapter. I'll make it up. I promise!

Oki I love you all ♥!

971 words

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