Chapter 4

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At first, there was nothing. Only darkness and cold. Error couldn't see anything –and for once it wasn't because of his shitty vision–. He couldn't feel anything. He couldn't touch anything. It was only darkness, and the freezing cold of the Void. He didn't expect the Void to be like this honestly, but it wasn't that much of a surprise. Actually, he never really thought about how the Void could be. He tried to raise his hand, only to be met by pure darkness and an excruciating pain. He couldn't see his own hand!

Then the 'take apart-put back together' part of the fun begun. Error could only scream –but was he really screaming? He couldn't hear himself. The silence was the only thing he could hear, and it never seemed so loud before. Possibly because of the Voices, he wasn't used to the silence– in pain at the feeling of his codes being destroyed and reformed again and again.

It felt like an eternity before everything suddenly stopped. The pain, the cold, the darkness, everything stopped. The cold was replaced by strangely comforting warmth, the darkness by a soft light and the pain suddenly ceased like it never existed. He seemed to land gently on something –not that he could tell what, he was still completely paralyzed and couldn't turn around to look– warm. Actually, the warmth he was feeling seemed to come from there. It also seemed to be the source of the light, which made Error curious. What could it be? What was holding him? And why did he feel strangely at peace in its' hold?

He was gently moved to face the thing, and could now perceive the silhouette of a being made of light. It –or maybe they? Yes, he'll go with they– emitted a red and golden aura, some specks of orange in-between the two colors. It was impossible to associate a gender to the figure, since their features where hidden by the glow surrounding their body. He felt strangely safe in their hold.

Soon, another being made of light came into view. This being was mostly emitting a soft blue aura, accompanied by some traces of white. Both colors were mixing perfectly, and at the same time seemed to not disturb the other. It was truly a beautiful sight. The second being went near the first, both of their auras mixing together between the two. The second one began to talk.

"Error, Forced God of Destruction. By falling into the Void, your Destiny was changed. You will now be free from Fate's grip. Dot not fret, dear child, for you are now safe."

The first then continued to talk, while the second approached what seemed to be their hand toward the Destroyer's body, who still couldn't move. He began to panic, thinking they were going to hurt him, until he felt what he guessed was a finger –since they were considerably taller than him– gently caress his skull, resulting in him purring softly without being able to prevent it. He could only curse internally.

"We know it wasn't your Choice to fall into the Void, and that you probably only want to go back to your family. Sadly, we cannot put you back there, for your own safety. Worry not, we will look after those you care for, and will try to save them when the end arrives. We cannot guarantee you that it will end well, only Time can tell. But we can assure you that those Blind Judges will face their Karma now that you're gone."

Error opened his mouth to ask-no to beg them to put him back where he belongs. He doesn't want his family to suffer; he needs to protect them! They are his and he just can't leave what is his behind like this. He didn't want this! Sadly, no sound escaped his 'lips', as if the Void was drowning them, forcing him in a mute state. He felt tears appearing at his eyes, slowly starting to go down his cheeks only to start floating slightly above him and continue to go upward, as if he was still falling, even if he was very much still.

"Shh... Do not cry, my child, we can't put you back there, even if we wanted, Void, the Deity who own the Void would not let anyone go back after falling. Not because he doesn't want to, but because it is his duty as a Deity. We are sincerely sorry. We will try to lead your friends toward you, but we can't promise you anything, for our grip on Fate's Multiverse is only minor."

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