Chapter 31

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They soon arrived at the garden, where Toriel guided them to the children playing around. They saw Sans flying above them along with a yellow dragon. They guessed that it was Asriel's, since Humans didn't have dragons bound to their SOULs. Toriel walked toward them and cleared her throat, effectively gaining the children's attention. "My dear children, would you like Papyrus' brothers to play with you all?"

Both children happily nodded their heads while Papyrus smiled brightly at his four brothers, making them smile back. Toriel gestured for them to come closer, which they did with a silent nod. "I will let you introduce yourselves, dears. If you need me, I will probably be with your father. Be nice my children."

That being said, Toriel went back inside, probably going back to the thrones' room while her children looked at the four brothers curiously. Chara was the first to speak. "Hey, my name is Chara!" The young Prince waved his hand happily, soon imitated by the younger Goat Monster, who seemed shyer than his Human brother. "G-Greetings... I-I'm Asriel... Nice to meet you."

The little Goat Monster was clearly uncomfortable near them, which was understandable; they were strangers and way older than him. Where Chara seemed to be the oldest of the three, maybe a year or two older than Papyrus, Asriel seemed to barely be as old as Papyrus, if not younger. Papyrus being five years old, the teens guessed that Chara was between six and seven years old while Asriel was probably four or five years old.

Papyrus ran toward them after gently placing the flower crown that he was making on the floor. "Those are my big brothers! They're the coolest of big bros!" Torment and Drako shook their heads with a smile and kneeled down to seem less threatening for the youngest of the two Princes. "My NaMe IS DRaKO. I'M ThE OlDeSt Of tHe FaMIlY. AnD ThIs," He gestured to the black dragon on his shoulder, who nodded toward the children as a greeting. "Is My DrAGon; DeMiSE."

They gasped at his glitchy voice and waved at Demise. "Wow! Your voice is so weird! It's funny!" Drako just chuckled in response. "And my name is Torment. My dragon is called Blade." The white dragon imitated what Demise previously did; nodding at the children as a greeting. Asriel smiled a little as he looked at the dragons and pointed at the one playing with Sans above them. "T-This is my dragon... Or, well more like Chara and I's dragon, since he isn't bound to one... His name is Buttercup! He is a plant elemental a-and he loves flowers and fruits!"

The brothers smiled at the fond look in Asriel's eyes. The little Goat clearly loved his dragon with all his SOUL, which was really cute to see. But what could they say? They presented 'their own' dragons as their brothers to everyone, which might sound adorable for anyone not knowing the truth. "You seem to really love him." Asriel nodded rapidly. "Y-Yes! Butty is my best friend!"

Chara placed an arm around Asriel's shoulders, a smirk present on their face. "I like to call him Flowey, personally~" The younger Prince let out a whine of annoyance and rolled his eyes. "H-He is not a flower C-Chacha..." Chara playfully punched his arm. "I told you to not call me that, fluffy boy!... And he might as well be one."

Papyrus placed his hands in front of his mouth, giggling quietly. "Chara is right Azzy! It took us hours to find him when he was hiding with the buttercups and golden flowers here!" The oldest skeletons chuckled at the mental image on the dragon hiding with the flowers. "W-Well his name is Buttercup for a reason, I guess..."

"Why don't your dragons go play with Sans and Buttercup while we play together?" Torment and Drako turned their heads toward Chara after he said that and shrugged, looking at their dragons who nodded silently.

Drako nodded and muttered a request that only the Torment and their dragon brothers heard. "AlRiGhT, KeEP An EYE oN oUr BrOtHER ThEN, PLeAse." The two rolled their eyes playfully. "Of course, what did you expect us to do?"

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