Chapter 18

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Once the breakfast was done, Torment and Drako did the dishes –which was their way of thanking Gaster for letting them stay, as they said– before going back in their room, all of them waiting their respective turn to go to the bathroom. Once all of them were washed –thank Toby Fox the gang had explained how bathrooms worked to Drako otherwise he probably would have had some serious troubles while cleaning himself, like that time when he managed to make the damn bathroom explode, somehow–, they all decided of what they would do for the day. After Torment thanked Drako for the clothes, of course. He really liked them!

Reaper decided to stay with Cross to help him learn how to fly. During this time, Drako would go back to the Anti-Void to try his 'dragon magic'. Torment decided to accompany him –he didn't really let Drako chose whether he wanted Torment to come or not– to see just how impressive it could be. The dragons promised to stay near the house, just in case. Not like they were defenseless anyway, they still had their magic, as confirmed in the morning. Drako also decided to make Torment promise he would stay at a safe distance. Better safe than sorry after all, he didn't want to accidently hurt his brother.

Thus, Drako opened a portal to the Anti-Void and went inside, soon followed by Torment. Cross and Reaper just went in front of the house and immediately started to train.

"Ok PSyChE, I kNow It HaDn'T BeEN ThReE DaYS lIkE We SaId, BUt CaN We StART tO tRAIn?" He felt Psyche shrug in his SOUL. "Alright, as you want Glitchy. If you're ready." He nodded in response.

"Ok, so... You need to take your dragon form first. In this form, you can't summon weapons like Gaster Blasters, bones or even your strings. On the contrary, you can't use your dragon powers while in your skeleton form." Drako hummed in response. "DaMn, ThAt'S nOt GoOD... WaIt WhY DoEs CrOSs AnD ReAPeR StIlL hAvE ThEIrs ThEN?" He felt Psyche shrug. "No idea, probably because their dragon magic is less powerful or inexistent?" Drako only sighed in response.

"What is not good?" Drako turned his head toward Torment in confusion before remembering that he couldn't hear Psyche. "PsYcHE ToLD Me I CaN't UsE My MaGiC In My DrAGon FoRM. WeLL I OnLY HaVE My 'DrAgOn MaGic'." Torment frowned slightly after hearing that. "You're right, this is not good. A good reason to train now."

Drako nodded and closed his eyes, concentrating on his other form. The weird feeling of his body changing of height and form came back with the transformation. He opened his eyes when the transformation was done, hearing Torment whistle at the sight of his dragon form, even if he already saw it sooner the previous day. "AlRiGHT WhAT'S NeXT?" He chose to talk normally, and not like an 'angry lizard', like Psyche had previously said.

"We're going to start with the cliché, probably most destructive and easier to control, alright? Well I think that it's going to be easier since it function almost like a Blaster, but instead of a Blaster shooting, it's you."

Drako stuttered in response. "W-WhAT Do yOu MeAN 'It'S Me'?! I Am NoT A bLASTEr!" Now, that sentence seemed to spike Torment's interest, which was understandable. It wasn't every day that he heard his brother claim that he wasn't a Blaster. He was almost certain that it never happened, actually. Maybe some members of the gang –who he also considered as his brothers– said that when they were drunk, but not Drako, at least. "No you're not, but you have the same ability. You need to concentrate and gather your magic in your mouth, as if you were a Gaster Blaster. Once you're done 'charging', you need to focus and shoot. Frankly, this is just like making a Blaster attack. It's just the way the magic is used that can be weird, but really it's the same... Well there's a chance for this attack to be more destructive than a Blaster since it comes directly from you and you're shooting pure destructive magic, unlike a Blaster whose magic is slightly less powerful because you invoke the skull with the blast. A Gaster Blaster is made so it isn't too strong, as to not use too much energy and therefore offer you the possibility of shooting more than one at the same time. Of course, in dragon form, you can only shoot once at the time, but the damage are greater."

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