Chapter 20

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They knocked at the door, and it didn't take long before Gaster opened it, worry evident on his face. It soon turned into relief at the sight of Cross and Reaper visibly unharmed, before his gaze stopped on Torment and Drako. He took a deep breath before asking. "I... Is the blood yours or not?"

Drako and Torment only smiled innocently in response. "Obviously not yours, alright... I guess it's okay then...? As long as no one knows you did it..." Gaster never thought that he would one day say that a murder was alright... But what else did he expect when he chose to adopt those children?

"About that... The baby dragons might talk about it, no?" Cross asked, looking partially worried. He didn't want them to be in more trouble, even if he knew they could all handle it. "Nah, and even if they did, they are children, people will probably think they are exaggerating the thing and we made sure they didn't look. It should be all right. Plus I doubt they will remember our faces."

Gaster sighed and let them enter. "Go wash yourselves." Drako and Torment nodded, entering the house and directly going toward the bathroom while trying to not make the house look like a murder scene. Reaper and Cross soon followed, Gaster closing the door behind them. "If anyone ask, it's paint on them." Gaster nodded at Cross. He wasn't going to say that his new kids went on a murder spree anyway, nor that they rolled around in tomato sauce. Paint was the most believable excuse, even if only his Babybones would need explanations. It obviously wasn't the most logic, but this was good enough.

They all went toward the living room and Gaster swore that he heard the two new dragons talk about setting a shed in fire. Cross seemed quite excited at the idea of committing arson, and Gaster wasn't sure how to feel about it. He ended up brushing it off. As long as the arson wasn't committed within his house, he could live with it. Plus, it seemed oddly normal for them so he better not start to question their weird habits. Even Reaper, who was still quite new in their little group, seemed to find it normal. He probably didn't need to question everything they did anyway, it wouldn't be good for his sanity. And he liked being sane, thank you very much.

Papyrus and Sans immediately went toward the two dragons, bombarding them with questions, all at the same time. Some were impossible to understand, while some were more understandable; one of them being 'Where were you all?' Cross, knowing they wouldn't stop asking questions until their curiosity was satisfied, was the first to answer. "In the jungle."

"Why are Torment and Drako all dirty?" Reaper was the next to answer. "We ran into someone carrying pots of paint. Didn't end well." Sans frowned a little, finding this explanation weird, but didn't question it. "Are you-" Gaster decided to abridge their suffering by intervening. "Now, now, calm down Papy. They were outside during all the morning; they must be hungry, right boys?" Cross and Reaper nodded, hoping that it would save them from the Babybone's questions. It seemed to work, because Papyrus nodded and took Sans in his arms. "Okay daddy! I'm hungry too!"

The Babybone then followed the three of them into the kitchen, taking back what seemed to be his appointed seat and keeping his brother in his arms. The two dragons chose to go back at the place where they had breakfast the morning. Gaster started to prepare food for all his sons.

During this time, Torment finished to wash himself, his goop now gone for a few minutes. The water wasn't really the cause of its disappearance, he did it himself since it was easier to clean like this. The problem was that in return, he needed to wait a little before taking back his octopus form. Which could be annoying; mostly when Ink and Dream decided to find and attack their base when he was stuck like this. It wasn't a funny experience, as he was forced to wait while his boys were fighting in the room just under him.

He was waiting for Drako in their room, hoping that his goop would be back by the time the glitchy skeleton would be done. Drako didn't have much blood on him per say, since he mostly used his bones and strings, but he took the time to clean Blue's hammer, since he didn't want to leave it bloody, thinking it would be disrespectful toward his dear friend. And Torment ordered him to take a shower and to change anyway, since there was still some blood on him. Less than on Torment, but still. Drako was quite happy that he copied their clothes' codes before that incident. He felt way too lazy to create new clothes at the moment.

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