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You, Fiddleford, and Ford have been working tirelessly on the portal. Day and night, night and day, you were in some way attached to the project. When you couldn't distract yourself with anything else, your mind always wandered back to it. In typical fashion, Ford had thrown himself at the project entirely, bringing back the disquieting habit of neglecting sleep, getting outside, eating, and all in all, taking a well deserved break. 

"Okay," Ford said, tapping his papers down on the table so that they would align together in a stack. "I think I've got some of the blueprints down." Fiddleford perked up, placed down his cubics cube, and made his way over. He took the papers from Ford's hands. His eyes narrowed as he flipped through them. "Golly, Ford, these do seem complex," He observed as he stared at the drawings and equations. "Did you get any help with these?" 

Ford's eyes widened for a split second. He seemed to think for a moment before answering. "Well, with hard work, anything is possible, right?" He said, reaching for a stack of papers. "Here, Fiddleford." He took his blueprints back and passed the other papers in their place. "Could you check these for me, please?"

Fiddleford nodded, graciously accepting the papers and walking back to his desk. He settled down and hunched over, grabbing another piece of chewing tobacco as he did so. 

"Haven't we already checked those at least four times now?" You asked in confusion. 

"That's one of his quirks," Ford whispered do you, motioning to an engrossed Fiddleford with his head. "He likes to be precise." You nodded. Ford's expression morphed into one of contemplation. "Y/N, can I ask you something?"

"Go for it."

"Do you believe in the supernatural?" 

The question struck you as odd. Shouldn't the answer have been obvious? You had been working with Ford for the past six years, seeing different creatures that you couldn't have imagined existing in your wildest imagination. "Well, duh," You said. The answer didn't seem to be the one Ford was looking for, though. "No, like, spectral essences. You know..." He trailed off.

"Like ghosts?" You offered. "We've studied those. Of course I believe in them,"

"Not quite ghosts," Ford said, his brow furrowing as he searched his vocabulary for a word. "Maybe a spirit. Muses, I suppose,"

Ford had a look of apprehension on his face, which only concerned you more. You thought for a moment. "I think that anything could be out there," You said finally. You motioned to the frame of the portal. "I mean, look at that. I wouldn't be working on this with you if I didn't believe that other worldy things are out there. We just have to be open to them." The apprehension on Ford's face melted away with relief. "Why do you ask?" You asked quietly. 

Before Ford could answer, Fiddleford spoke up. "All correct and ready to go!" He said. "Oh, and I couldn't help but over hear your situation," He added. You had gotten used to his heavy accent's effects on his words. Os in particular seemed to come out with an E sound. "I wouldn't be trustin' things like that if I was you. Things like that, with all that power?" Ford frowned and accepted the papers. "Thank you, Fiddleford." He said, striding back over to the portal again. He looked up at the frame. You made your way to stand beside him. He didn't acknowledge your presence immediately. 

"How often do I tell you that I'm in love with you?" He murmured. "Do I tell you enough?" You wrapped your hand around his. "I've never doubted it once," You said, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Once this is over, it'll be everything you've ever dreamed of and more," You placed a hand on his chest, appreciating the warmth that radiated off of him. 

"I'm still in here, ya know," Fiddleford spoke up, making you jump slightly. Ford snapped his head around and gave his partner a dirty look, though short-lived. He chuckled and turned his head to face the clock that hung on the wall. "It's getting late, though," He observed. "How's about we call it a day?"

"You never call it off this early," You said, though it came out as more of a question than you intended. "Ah, we've been working for a few weeks now," Ford explained. "I'd say we've earned it,"

Fiddleford was not as confused as you were. "Sounds great!" He exclaimed. "I'll be up in my room, then. I'll see you folks tomorrow," 

"No banjo after eight, McGucket!" Ford called up after his friend. Fiddleford rolled his eyes and grabbed his instrument. Once at the top of the stairs, he strummed the strings aggressively, making Ford sigh. Fiddleford laughed in triumph before continuing his ascension to his room. 

"He's an interesting one," You said. 

Ford scoffed. "You don't say?" He strode over to his journal and tucked it inside his trench coat. "How about we go star gazing tonight?" He suggested. 

You smiled. "That'd be nice," 

"Go on, get ready, then." Ford said. "I'll be in the living room, ready when you are." 

You nodded and made your way to your shared bedroom with Ford. You opened the door to the closet and stared at the contents. After a moment, you pulled out a (f/c) dress and black flats. It took you a few moments to get changed and style your (H/C) hair, but once you had, you analyzed yourself in the mirror. Once you were content, you made your way down the stairs. Ford sat at the table, his journal open before him. You chuckled a little. A quick observation over his shoulder revealed that he was sketching something. Before you could read the caption above it, Ford hurriedly closed the journal. "You can't scare me, Y/N," he said. 

"Heh, well, I can certainly try," You said. Ford stood and turned to face you. He paused, eyes widening momentarily as he stared at you. "Is something wrong?" You asked. 

The stunned expression on his face remained, then was slowly replaced by a smile. "You're perfect," He said. "F/C is a good color on you." You blushed and did a small spin for him. He laughed and extended a hand for you to take.

Ford led you out of the cabin and into the woods. Your walk was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. After walking for some time, Ford pulled you towards the clearing. He pulled out a blanket and laid it down on the grass, motioning for you to sit beside him. You complied, leaning into the extended arm he offered you. Of course he brought you here. This was, after all, his favorite spot in the whole town besides the cabin. 

The cliff overlooked the sleepy town below, conjoined to the other cliff across from it by railroad tracks. Your (E/C) orbs fell down to the looming crevice between the top of the cliff and the one beneath it, knowing that there was an identical one beneath the one you were currently perched on. How that was possible, you didn't know. It was just another one of the town's peculiar oddities that you had grown to accept. 

"There it is," Ford said, pointing. You followed the gaze. The big dipper twinkled in the dark sky. You smiled. "That seems to be our lucky symbol," You whispered. "Star gazing was a good idea." You stared up at the shining stars above you. There was no pollution in the air, nor were there any clouds blocking your view. It was you, the love of your life, and the infinite stars in the night sky. You wanted the moment to last forever. 

"You know, I didn't think it was possible, but I think I've fallen in love with you all over again." Ford trailed his hand down to your waist, gently lowering you into a lying position beside him. He made sure his grip on you was gentle, but it was firm, too, a reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere. The early-July air wasn't cold. In fact, it was pleasantly warm, but you didn't want Ford's grip on you to leave. You turned slightly, laying your hand on his chest. "You never cease to amaze me,"

You felt warmth spreading through you from the words. "There's no where else I would rather be than right here with you," You said. The breeze made the grass shake beside you, creating a soft rustle that only made the moment more sacred. "I love you," You turned your head to look at him. Ford's eyes were affixed to the spectacular view in the sky. "I love you so much more," He whispered, moving to place a gentle kiss on the stop of your head. "More than you could ever imagine." 

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