She Said Yes!

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This chapter is rather short, but it's a small transition.

Things have never looked brighter. Stanley's memory was fully returned, Dipper and Mabel were elated with their birthday party, Gideon was turning on a new leaf, and Fiddleford was no longer living in a dump. 

Stan had agreed to Ford's offer to go sailing, as you knew he would. It would be difficult, but you knew in your heart that the brothers could repair their relationship. It was satisfying, to say the least, watching them come together as brothers again.

Soos Ramirez was becoming the new Mr. Mystery, taking over the Mystery Shack eagerly. There was no doubt in your mind that he would scam his way to profits. Anything to make his father figure proud. As the crowd cheered for the new Mr. Mystery, Ford cleared his throat. He took a deep breath, then turned to face you. 

"Y/N, there are many anomalies in this town, but none quite as fascinating as you." Ford took your hands in his and locked his brown eyes onto yours. "I have never met someone like you. Someone so loving, patient, determined, and breathtakingly beautiful, both inside and out. Do you remember how I wished to spend the rest of my days with you? How I never want to live in a life without you in it?" 

You nodded. 

"I should have done this forty years ago," Ford said as he dropped down to one knee. He pulled on the beige fabric of his trench coat, extracting a small, black box. He opened it, revealing a ring tucked safely inside. 

"It would take me decades to list off all the reasons why I love you. In all of my travels, the amount of beings I've interacted with in my time in the portal... there were none who came even close to being as dear to me as you are. I love you more than anything else in this life, and I want to spend the rest of my days with you. Y/N L/N, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?"

You stared into Ford's eyes. Fierce love radiated in them, and as he held up the ring, you lowered your hand and offered it to him. "Yes. Yes, Stanford." You cracked a smile and allowed the tears that brimmed your eyes to fall. "I will marry you."

Ford pulled the ring from the box and pushed it onto your finger. He rose from the ground, still holding your hand. You smiled down at it. "It's perfect," you whispered. 

Your lips connected, and distantly, you were aware of the cheers erupting from the crowd. When you pulled away, Stan strode over and patted Ford on the shoulder. "Good job, bro." He said with pride. 

Mabel's scream pierced your ears as she collided into your leg, hugging it tightly. "See, Grunkle Ford! I told you that was her ring size!"

You chuckled. "That was your secret project you've been working on? The proposal?"

Ford rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I... may have needed some assistance, but-"

"IT WAS PERFECT!" Mabel interrupted giddily. "It was so cute!" She squealed again. "The wedding tomorrow is going to be so much fun!"

You turned down to face her. "Tomorrow? The wedding is tomorrow?" 

"Yep!" Mabel took your hand and jumped up and down. "Get ready, Grauntie Y/N! Tomorrow is going to be the best day of your life! Just you wait!"

* * *

Ford's POV:

She... she said yes! I thought as I continued to grin like an idiot. I closed the door to my lab and crossed the room, standing over my desk and looking at the papers scattered on the surface. I knew something about her was different from the moment I met her. Never before have I experienced such strong love for another human being. It was electrifying, fast, and I wallowed in every second of the sensation. My stomach did cartwheels as I looked over the checklist Mabel and I made together. I didn't even need it -- everything had gone according to plan. I suppose she was right when she said Dipper and I get in our own way too often. But it didn't matter. Tomorrow, I'll be the happiest I've ever been. Tomorrow, Y/N will become my bride. 

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