One Year Later

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It would seem we meet again, dear reader.

I would like to thank you for reaching this part of the book, and for going on this 40 (now 41) part adventure with me. It has been a little over a year since I began writing this story and completed it. I was very new to the realm of fanfiction - I thought that x readers were all there was to this little corner of the internet. By chapter 2, I realized I was very much wrong, but I already had a few readers, so I decided to hang on until the end. And I must admit, it was one of the best decisions I've made.

This fic gave me headaches and sleep deprivation and excitement and such swelling glee at seeing the overwhelming praise it received. I've woken up to 50+ notifications from Wattpad, full of people who spent their hours reading my story. It's a wild concept, and I am truly fortunate. I recently looked at this fic's statistics. 69 thousand reads? Are you guys serious? I can't even begin to fathom that what started out as a short little x reader accumulated to so much, one of my proudest creations.

With that being said, I decided to treat you all to a little epilogue chapter. I like to think I ended this story on a note it deserved and truly did it justice, but who doesn't want some more fluff and Ford Pines action? 

Again, thank you all for being here, and please, enjoy the chapter! :')


Your fingers grazed the thick leather books that lined the shelves of Ford's study. It was, for once, vacant and still, the researcher having long since retired. Not willingly, of course. You and Stan tended to play a nightly game of badgering Ford to go to sleep at a somewhat reasonable hour. But it was a struggle, and you understood. His walls crumbled in sleep, releasing flickers of memories and dreams from worlds he could never fully escape from.  You couldn't let yourself dwell on it.

Each book on this shelf has been read cover to cover at least once. Some of the pages were yellow and dog-eared, others with cracking spines and loose binding. Your eyes fell on the book of anomalies, and you felt your lips turn in a smile. You reached for it, tracing the cover with your index finger as you were whisked to years past. Flickers of memories danced across your minds-eye, and you held the book to your chest, letting each memory of the unbelievable life you lived take you away.

There was Ford, awkward and still not quite grown into himself taking you to Serenity's Diner. There was your first tearful night in your college dorm, which seemed more like a prison than a living space. There were the nights spent gazing at the millions of stars speckled across the sky like white paint on a black canvas, and Ford's hand on yours. "Of all those stars in the sky, Y/N, you are my favorite." There was the portal, then Stan. Goosebumps rose on your flesh as you remembered pushing his car off the cliff, then following him home. There was the brightness of the kids, and for the first time in thirty years, the cabin didn't seem haunting. And then, there was your wedding. Instinctively, you twirled your ring with your thumb. 

"Y/N, the kids are on the phone!" 

You felt yourself land back in the present, and you cast a final gaze at the book. You allowed yourself a moment to linger, then tucked the book in its home, and turned and hurried to the kitchen. 

"It's 5 AM," you said, slightly confused. "Why are you two up? Why are they up?" you asked, sitting beside Ford at the kitchen table. He wrapped an arm around you, and you let yourself melt into his side.

"Hi, Grauntie Y/N!" Mabel cheered.

"Shh, Mabel," Dipper said with a shake of his head and a smile. "We'll wake mom and dad, remember?" The room was dim, and in the background, you could hear Waddle's content snores. They laid side-by-side on their stomachs, grinning at the camera with sleepy contentment you knew they wouldn't admit to.

"Hi, Grauntie Y/N!" Mabel corrected in a strained whisper. You felt yourself mirror her bright expression. "Hey, kiddo."

"We couldn't sleep, and apparently, neither could they," Stan explained, waving at the screen for emphasis.

"How's the Atlantic ocean treating you, Grauntie Y/N?" Dipper asked. His hat was gone, his cap from Wendy hanging on his bedpost. Flickers of his birthmark slipped out from beneath his bangs, and you couldn't help but smile just a tad wider. 

"It's a lot warmer than the Arctic," you said with a chuckle. "So I haven't much to complain about."

Mabel's eyes were bright. You didn't think they could ever seem dark or gloomy. Her face was accentuated with the slightest hint of make-up, rosier cheeks, and thick mascara. You cocked your head, opening your mouth to remark before Stan caught up with you.

"Hey, pumpkin," he began, "You better be wearin' that because it makes you feel good, and not because of some boy or girl." He spat the word like venom. You chuckled.

Mabel rolled her eyes, looking away bashfully. "There's no romantic partner. It just makes me feel good, and I like to experiment."

Ford leaned forward, his face growing deathly serious. "We won't hesitate to turn this ship around, young lady."

Dipper raised a brow. "If it was that easy, then dang, I wish there was someone!"

"Awh, I thought you guys would be sick of me and my weird old man smell by now!" Stan exclaimed.  The boat shifted amongst the waves, and you listened to the way they lapped the exterior. The window beside the kitchen allowed for the hints of light blue to filter inside, the moon forfeting to give the sun its turn. 

"Never, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel illuminated cheeriness that you never knew you needed, the sunshine and faith the Pines family desperately needed to balance them all out. Looking at the young teenagers, seeing the way they grew into themselves, your chest swelled with pride, grateful that you got to be a part of this journey.

As goodbyes were exchanged, Ford closed the laptop. His eyes remained far away, a hazy expression on his face. "God, I love them."

Stan leaned back, turning to gaze out the window. "Looks like the sun's coming up," he remarked. He stretched, cracking and popping the bones in his back, before rising and scratching himself. "Well, I'm gonna hit the hay," he said. He reached for the rolled-up newspaper we received in the mail, courtesy of Fiddleford, and swatted Ford with it. "Don't stay up too late."

I watched as he went, ignoring the way Ford glared at Stan's retreating back. "Quite the charmer."

"That's one way to phrase it," Ford said. You watched as he rose to his feet. He offered you a hand. "Come on, Y/N."

You raised a brow but took your hand in his. He led you through the kitchen area and to the ladder embedded in the wall. He reached for the grey lever, tugging on it and unveiling the starry sky above. He waved you on, and you began to climb. 

When you reached the deck, you wandered to the bow of the boat and leaned your hands on it, resting your hand in your palm. The sun had broken over the waterline, illuminating each ripple and water cap. The sky was melting into the warm red that accompanied the quiet hues of blue.

Ford's hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you beside him as you gazed out at the view together. Your head left your hand and found purchase against his shoulder. 

"You're a dream to me." Ford's voice melted into the serene view before you, being carried by the wind that tussled your clothing and made your stands of H/C dance. He turned to you, tilting your head up to meet his eyes with his index finger, and he smiled. 

The sun continued to ascend, and the fingers of warmth began to touch your exposed skin. Ford's hands trailed down around your waist, yours reaching for the ends of his hair, and your lips connected. You moved against him, a moment you let yourself wallow in, knowing he could never get lost again, and you were exactly where you belonged. 

You let go for a moment, Ford pressing his forehead against yours. "I love you," he whispered.

You let out a breathy sigh. "I love you more."

Ford kissed you again. "I love you most."

We'll meet again,

Don't know where

Don't know when

But I know we'll meet again,

Some sunny day.

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