With This Ring, I Thee Wed

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"All right, let me just add the final touches, and then you can see, Grauntie Y/N!" Mabel's fingers filed through your hair with dexterity beyond her years. How she managed to work your hair with such ease was beyond you, but she was thrilled at the idea of being your stylist, and you couldn't refuse her gentle request.  You smiled. "Take your time, dear."

After a few more minutes of gentle tugging and movement, Mabel moved her hands away. "Okay! I'm going to take off your blindfold now!" You nodded as she unraveled the fabric knot at the back of your head, then lifted off the black fabric obscuring your vision. "Ta da!"

When your eyes adjusted, you turned to look at the mirror and gasped. Not a single strand of your (H/C) hair was out of place. Your hair was neatly folded into braids that wrapped around a small bun, secured in place with flower hairpins that truly looked authentic. Mabel stood behind you, holding her hands behind her back, an apprehensive expression on her face. "Do... do you like it?" 

"Mabel..." you trailed off, then turned to face her. You enveloped her in a tight embrace. "It's perfect, dear! I adore it! Thank you so much!"

Mabel squealed out of delight, and though she chose to do so right next to your ear, it was okay with you. "Your hair is so nice, Grauntie Y/N! Thank you for letting me style it!" Mabel took your hand in hers. "Everything's ready," she told you as she pulled you up. She began to lead you to the front door, then added, "Well, okay, I still have to do my flower girl part after Dipper walks down with the rings, but then everything will be ready." 

Mabel pushed open the front door, bent down and grabbed her flower basket, waiting patiently beside it, then turned up to face you again. You smiled down at her, placed a hand on her back. The pink dress she wore complimented her lively brown eyes nicely, and she let you curl her hair before she worked on your own. She was stunning. "Go get 'em, flower girl."

With that, you watched as she made her way out the door and down the aisle. Mabel, who was so usually energetic and flamboyant, dropped the petals with extreme delicacy and grace. Once she crossed and took her stance at the altar, you pushed the door open and made your way out. 

Everyone's eyes were on you, but you weren't bothered by it. Townsfolk sat in white, foldable chairs, fixated on you with smiles on their faces. It didn't surprise you to see gnomes, fairies, leprecorns, and other anomalies sat amongst the townsfolk. As you made your way to the altar, all you felt was content. 

Stan, the best man, stood beside Ford. He was clad in his Mr. Mystery suit. He watched you approach, then turned to Ford and smiled with overwhelming pride. Your maid of honor, Wendy, stood in her position. She had changed her typical, plaid green shirt for a white dress. She held a bouquet of (favorite flowers) in her hands. Dipper and Mabel stood beside one another. Dipper took to wearing the suit without much protest, and Mabel was doing everything she could to hold a reign on her excitement. Behind them, the multibear stood at the altar, wearing a suit tailored to fit each bear attached to the body. How you managed to get him to become an officiant was beyond you, but it was Gravity Falls, and the weirdness knew no bounds. But perhaps the most peculiar thing at the altar was Ford. His features were suspended in a look of surprise, but the quickly melted into a smile as red brushed his cheeks. You took your place at the altar. 

The multibear cleared his throat and began to speak. In the back of your mind, you found yourself wondering just how long this had been planned -- the speech, the gathering, everything was perfect. Happiness surged inside of you.

"And now, for the vows," the multibear said. "Stanford, if you please."

Ford cleared his throat and took your hands in his. He stared down at them for a few seconds, then looked up and met your gaze. "We went from friends, to love interests, to boyfriend and girlfriend, and now, finally, husband and wife. There is not a single thing about you that doesn't take my breath away, and I find myself loving you more everyday. I vow, here and now, to love you with every word and deed. To be your partner in all of the crazy adventures life has us embark on is all I can ask for. I will love you for all eternity."

The multibear smiled at Ford with a fond, satisfied expression on his face, then turned to you. Taking the wordless permission to begin, you began to speak. "You love me and complete me in ways I didn't know were possible. How lucky am I to call you mine? Words cannot express it. Your love makes me a better person, each and every day. I'm so, so beyond grateful I can call you my husband."

After the exchange of the vows, the multibear turned to Dipper. "And now, for the rings."

Dipper made his way to the platform and held the rings up for you to grab. You and Ford each took one, whispering a small thank you as you did so. Dipper beamed, then made his way to stand beside Mabel again. 

Ford held the ring in his hand, determination and love swimming in his eyes. He took your hand. "With this ring, I thee wed," he said as he slipped the ring onto your finger. It slid on with ease, fitting perfectly and glinting in the late summer sun. You took his hand, then held up the ring. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"You may kiss the bride."

Ford didn't need permission, and he leaned in and kissed you. Ford has kissed you more times than you could remember, but this kiss was different. Love radiated from it, but the kiss was also a promise. A promise to be made where words failed. You would never be apart again. You kissed him in return just as lovingly, listening to the cheers and claps from the crowd that had gathered to witness your union. 

* * *

"Well, there she is!" Stan said with pride as he led you and Ford to the edge of the dock. The vessel was tall, built sturdily with wood. A white sail billowed in the gentle breeze, attached to a mast that wasn't falling apart like in the Stan o' War original. Words were written on the side over the red accent in the wood in white paint, reading, Stan o' War II. Stan turned back to face you guys again, the cocky, showman grin plastered on his face. "She's a beauty if I've ever seen one."

"She's perfect, Stanley." Ford said as he extended his hand down to help you onto the boat. You accepted and followed him onto the ship.

The wood creaked beneath you as you strode over to the side of the boat, gazing out at the pacific ocean. It was broad, seemingly endless, and it was all yours now. The waves lapped against the side of the boat, and all around, seagulls squawked and cawed as they pleased. Stan lifted the anchor and made his way to the wheel. With some effort, he turned the wheel, and the boat made its way into the ocean. 

As the sun lowered, touched the water, and then lowered some more, the sky dimmed into a darker orange. Footsteps coming from behind grabbed your attention, and Ford stood beside you. He took your hand in his, pausing to admire the rings that accentuated them, then met your eyes. 

"I love you," you said. 

With a smile, Ford squeezed your hand. "I love you more, Y/N."

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