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Mary's pov

I was sitting in the garden with Maximo, when I see him squat in front of the flowers he reminded me of my Amelia and how much she loves flowers. She wasn't here for his first words, his first steps. His first walking distance was going to her room, his first word were 'Amelia' because we never stopped talking about her. I start to cry, god why did she have to leave, such an innocent girl.

"Momma? Why you crying?" I hear Maximo say, I look at him and smile as he wipes my tears.

"Nothing darling, just remembered a sad moment. Do you remember Auntie Amelia?" He nods "She loved flowers, the same way you do. You remind me of her." 

"Where is Auntie?" He has hopeful eyes and I sob even more and pull his head in my chest.

"Oh buddy, she's and angel now, she's in a happier place." 

You're probably confused, Let me catch you up to speed. 

We arrived home with Levi safe and sound, he was pale and not his old self. Karl, Caleb and Connor came much after m, their eyes were stained with tears. Connor said he saw Matteo (Daniel's father) shoot Amelia, she was in the house and didn't know what was happening. He couldn't yell or run after her because there were too many people, he said she bled out, there was no way she could've survived. 

That news broke everyone, even Levi. His lover was gone and he couldn't hold her, he tried to kill himself but we stopped him. It was a rough 2 months, Levi got back on is feet a little and is running the Mafia again. We had a funeral but it meant nothing since we didn't have her body, we buried an empty casket. Maximo has grown, Caleb and Ethan are married but didn't have a ceremony yet and Levi is taking a blonde bimbo since he needs a wife. 

She's annoying and greedy, Connor is barley home and Karl is just... Karl. 

Now you're up to speed :)

 I feel my phone vibrate, I furrow my eyebrows when I see Max's name pop up. "H-hello?" I say

"M-Mary... it's Amelia." I grab Maximo and run inside

"Ow mommy OW!!" I ignore him 

"She's alive.... she doesn't remember me. She's at my cafe with Daniel, she must've lost her memory." I hear him say

"Send me the address right now!"

"I am right now." I hang up the phone and burst through Jacobs office, his eyes go from me to Maximo, he quickly grabs Maximo from me since he's crying. I forgot my own strength for a second.

"Baby... baby what's wrong."

"She-" The I realized he told me there was a mole but he didn't know who, I clear my throat and wipe my eyes "Sorry, I was out of it." I laugh and shake my head "I want to go out, get dressed."

"I hav-"

"Now." He nods and walks out, I scan the room and meet eyes with Connor I send him a smile and leave. It has to be him, he told us she was dead, he could've retrieved her body, his story has changed more than once.


I drive to the location "This is Max's bakery." Jacob hates Max

"Amelia, wouldn't want you to hole a grudge. Now get up we're going in." He looked at me confused as I got Maximo out of the car, once we walked in I saw Max. "Max, this is my son Maximo." I smile

"She's right behind you..." I nod and turn my head a little, god she looks different, she looked happy and... inncoent "I know, she looks different. I think when she died she hit her head or she just lost her memories. She even talks different, no attitude. She didn't know my name and not even fake, like actually not know my name."  I feel a familiar hand on my lower back

"Is it just me or does that lady look exactly like Amelia." Jacob whispers

"Because it is... she's alive. You must stay calm, she doesn't remember any of us."

"Um... hello?" I hear a soft unfamiliar yet so familiar voice, I turn to see Amelia. She looks like a middle aged mother with style, she's even wearing a cross. I wonder is she transferred. "Who's this little guy?" She smiled at Maximo "I saw you looking at me."

"I-I'm Maximo..." He hide's his face with my hair

"I'm Amelia! You're so adorable." She taps his nose, she's smiling a genuin smile. She memories of us left so that means everything she knows is happiness "Oh my days! Mary?" I give her a shocked look.


"It's me! Amelia from the... strip club" She whispers the last part "I haven't see you in what? A year?" I feel my eyes water, she lost a year of her memory. 

"Oh my god, Amelia. I never thought I'd see you again!" I hug her tight thinking she'll disappear any second "This is my husband Jacob and my son Maximo." I see the hurt in Jacob's eyes to the fact that I have to re-introduce them, Maximo seems happy to see his Auntie again but she doesn't even know him.

"Come sit with me and my boyfriend Daniel!" She walks us to the booth

"Who are these people love?" He ask kissing her temple, he freezes when he sees us the glares.

"Don't be mean, this is Mary! I used to work at a... strip club." She whispers the last part again "She was there, she's like a sister to me. This is her husband Jacob and her kid Maximo!" We sit down as I place Maximo in the middle.

"Why do you keep whispering strip club?" I ask chuckling

"Because what I was doing was disgusting, I was practically a prostitute. I was sinning, one day I will pay for them. I am ashamed of my old self." I laugh but then I stopped when I see she's dead serious, god where is my Amelia, I look over at Daniel who doesn't seem to care that he's giving her a false life. 

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