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Amelia pov

I couldn't stop thinking about William and what is going to happen, I mean he did have to have a plan right? I mean he made up all those stories and acted awfully chipper, I start to take off my clothes and see something fall out. I pick it up and its a small device, I studied it harder. It was a tracking device I smile at it happy that they are looking for me.

I stuffed it in my bra making sure it's on me at all times and changed into some pajamas, I walked downstairs because I started to get a little hungry. I was kind of upset I wasn't showing yet, I mean I hear people always complain about their backs and how much weight they put on but I find baby bumps adorable. 

Once I reached the kitchen I see Daniel eating my Oreos, "You're eating my Oreos."

"I paid for them."

"Your point is?"

"That I paid for them."

"No one gives a fuck that you paid for them, they are mine."

"No their mine."









"I'm not dumb." I snatch the Oreo's from him and start to eat them "Why are you up?"

"Couldn't sleep, you?"


"Listen Ame-"

"If you're going to apologize I'm just gonna stop you right there. Don't want to hear it."


"Glad, would you like an Oreo?"

"I thought they were yours."

"They are, never mind them. Guess I'll go back to ignoring you." I let a sigh out

"I'd love an Oreo." I hand him 5, we just sit there eating out Oreo's in silence. "So, how does it feel to be... you know."

"Hmm, don't know. Would've like it to be when I consent and when I'm ready but I mean we do live in an unfair world, other than that I've thrown up a couple of times."

"Does your back hurt?"

"No, not yet at least." He just nods, I can tell he wants to sat more and do more but he doesn't say or do a thing probably not wanting to push me. "Will you ever let me go?"

"I don't think so, I'm too stubborn to. Even though I know it's best for you." I just nod "I really do want to be a father though, so that adds to it I guess."

"Doesn't make it right."

"Never said it did, boy or girl?"

"Non-binary is a thing..."

"Well then, boy, girl or they."

"Don't have a preference, you?"

"Girl or they, anything but a boy, I've always wanted to do a girls hair."

"Ha. Do you even know how to braid?"

"Yes actually, once I found out you could've been pregnant. I studied how to do hair, put on diapers, potty train everything I possibly could." I could tell he was trying and I appreciated it but I really hated how we got here. 

"You're the reason we're like this you know that right?" He looks up to meet my eyes "I didn't have my memories, sure I would get snip bits here and there but I never thought much about it. I always though they were very detailed dreams but you made it harder for me. You could've had me, fully I mean. Without Levi in the way or anyone for that matter, we could've been happy. Cuddling and maybe have a child that was planned." 

"I know, I don't know what got into me... it just happened. I flipped for some odd reason, I didn't even know myself why I was doing all of this."

"Hmm, you should really figure it out." I stand up and start to walk away, his head hung low again as he fiddled with his fingers. I let out a loud sigh and walked up to my room, waiting for when they come for me. 

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