Chapter 1- Birthday Surpise

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3rd POV

Izuku always loved to play video games and wanted to know every aspect of them. The very first game he played was Hero Fighter when he was almost 4. He remembers Bakugo and him would play it together, Izuku wanted to be All Might, but he let Bakugo take him whenever they play together. But once his birthday came, he was diagnosed quirkless. Once the child told Bakugo, he was quirkless. He was treated differently. 

Every day he and his peers would find "Deku" and beat the crap out of him. Every. Single. Day. Bakugo would say, "Take a swan dive off the roof, and maybe you will get a quirk," and Izuku hated it. He would come home with bruises, scars, cuts, and sometimes wet. His Mom would ask what happened, and Izuku would make up some story. He knew mom never believed those dumb stories, but it made her stop pushing it. Right after, he would go to my room and turn on his PC and play games. He would play for hours and hours; that is the best part of his day. 

Izuku POV

And now it's my 13th birthday! I walk downstairs wearing a plain hoodie and sweatpants. I smell something delicious, so I hurried to the kitchen to see what it was.

"Oh, Happy Birthday, sweetie!" My mom said and on the table was my favorite, Katsudon!

"Thanks, mom!" I responded and went to hug her. Then we both sat down, said our thanks, and ate.

"Oh! I almost forgot," Mom said and grabbed something under the table and giggled.

"Okay! Here is your birthday present!" She said, all excited. 

The present was small, and it was wrapped in green with a white bow on it. It was pretty light, and I shook it. It made a little sound, which is when I opened it. Then my eyes couldn't believe what it was. All I know it was one of the best birthdays presents ever!

"Oh my god, mom! Genshin Impact! I can't believe you got it! I remember it was all sold out!" I was ecstatic.

"They were, but since that day, I would go to the store and see if they restocked it, and last week they did! It was even on sale!" She smiled, and I got up to hug her. 

"Thank you so much! You are the best mom ever!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, sweetie. You are the best son a mom could ask for. You should go upstairs and play your game. I'll clean up and wash dishes," Mom told me, and I nodded.

I ran up to my room and used the code to download the game on my PC. Once it was downloaded, I put my email and password to sign in. And now I can play this amazing game, and I can't wait to get all the characters and play them! This has to be the best birthday ever! 

I spent my whole day playing the game. I got primogems and rolled for characters and got a lot of 5 stars characters and weapons. It was entertaining and enjoyable. It was almost midnight, and I played Genshin the whole day, but then I heard a scream and a crash. What was that? I took off my headset and got up from my seat. I hesitated to open my door, but I heard another scream and sounded like my mom. I opened the door and rushed down.

I saw blood on the floor, and then I went to the kitchen and saw something that made me almost fall on my knees. It was my mom dead on the floor, and she looked like she was stabbed multiple times. I went over to check her pulse and... nothing. There was nothing. Then I looked up to see a figure coming my way. Who is he? Did he seem crazy? The man came at me and almost stabbed me, but luckily I had fast reflexes, so I dodged it, ran to my room, and locked my doors.

I can hear my heart beating really fast and my breathing. Why did he kill my mom? Why? I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. He was giggling. He must have some mental issue. I wonder what kind? I got distracted by my thought and forgot to listen for the man. He stabbed my door, missing my face. I let out a sigh of relief and came off my door, and the man was able to break my door down. He then came after knife in hand and was about to stab me when...the world paused.

[Quirk Unlocked: RPG]                                                                                                                                                        [Tutorial Mode]                                                                                                                                                                      [World Paused]

"Huh? What's this? A quirk?" I whispered to myself. There was a shine next to me, and then a figure popped out.

To Be Continued

(A/N I know Genshin Impact is free, but in this fanfic, it costs money!)

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