Chapter 8- First Day & Kachan

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Izuku POV

When we got to Eri's school, we were both greeted by her teacher. I explained what the tiny pink floaty thing was to the teacher, and she understood. I then said bye to Eri, and she hugged me. I got a text from Shinso saying that he was also in 1-A, but he is sick so he won't be able to come. I walked to UA and tried to find my class, 1-A. I found it, and it was a big door. Paimon popped up then.

"Woah, are there giants here?" Paimon shouted, and I chuckled. I opened the door and heard screaming.

"Please keep your feet off the desk! This is very ill-mannered of you!" The boy with glasses shouted.

"Tch looks like someone has a stick up his a*s!" The blonde boy shouted back, and I realized who it was.

"Geez, what's with the people here?" Paimon asked and looked at me.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked.

"Y-yeah," I said.

"Hello! My name is Tenya Iida! I'm sorry for how I acted on the exams. I hope you can accept my apology," He said in a robot motion to me.

"It's fine. I'm Izuku, I don't do last-" I was about to finish until someone cut me off.

"Deku?!" Kachan shouted and came to me.

"Where the f*ck have you been?" He shouted, and I stayed silent.

"Answer me, Deku!!" He yelled.

"I'll tell you later," I said and brushed him off. He was furious now but nodded.

"Clearly, people don't see Paimon here!" Paimon said and puffed her cheeks.

"Hey! You made it!" Someone tapped my shoulder. It was Uraraka.

"Oh, hey!" I waved, and she blushed a little. Then she saw Paimon.

"Who's that?" She pointed at Paimon.

"My name is Paimon! Paimon is apart of Izuku's quirk!" Paimon said.

"Oh, that's cool! I'm Uraraka Ochako. You both can call me Ochako, though," She said and smiled.

Then someone came into our conversation, "Silence," He said, and we all got into our seats. Paimon disappeared.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa. Get into your gym clothes and hurry to the field," He said and walked out of the classroom. All of us followed.

I was in the boys' locker room changing; I took off my shirt, showing my chiseled abs.

"Woah, you're so manly!" A redhead said to me, and I nodded.

"I'm Kirishima Ejiro!" He says, and I told him my name. Then we both went out to the field and were waiting for others.

"Hey, what's the tiny yellow floaty thing? And that other floaty girl?" Kirishima asked me.

"The yellow one is a Mini Seelie: Cucurma and the other one is Emergency food," I smiled, and Paimon popped out.

"Paimon is not emergency food! Paimon is apart of his quirk," Paimon shouted, and I chuckled. She then disappeared.

Everyone was in a line for the quirk assessment thing. Kachan went to through the ball and did his usual thing. Getting quite a high score. Aizawa Sensei told us the person in the last place would be expelled. We all started with the 50-Meter Dash, my quirk kind of help. I used my catalyst to change my stance.

[Hdyro- Alternate Sprint: Illusory Torrent]

I cloaked myself within the water's flow, consuming stamina to move rapidly. It was like the floor turned into water. When I got up, I was all wet, and everyone was in awe. I ended up getting 2nd.

Next was Grip Strength. Again my quirk didn't help, but I got 4th. Next was Standing Long Jump, and this time my quirk did help. I summoned my polearm.

"How is that suppose to help?" I heard someone say, and I just smirked.

[Player can use Elemental Burst] [Anemo- Elemental Burst: Bane of All Evil]

A Yaksha Mask appears on my face that set gods and demons trembling millennia ago. I jumped into the air, feeling the gush of wind, and I used my wind glider to fly over the sandbox. I then used a plunged attack with my polearm, crashing in the ground but landing safely. Turning off my Elemental Burst. My HP was now 5,004/5,450, and I opened my menu screen to go to my inventory. I got Black-Back Perch Stew and started to eat so my HP would increase.

"Woah! That was so cool!" A Pikachu-looking boy said.

"Yeah! So manly," Kirishima said. Everyone was in awe again, and Kachan looked angry as usual.

The next one was Ball Throw, and I was the last one to go. I was trying to think of ways to use my quirk, but I needed a weapon to use my quirk. So I couldn't do anything, and I got 3rd. Overall I got 2nd place, 1st was Momo, and 3rd was Todoroki. Kachan was pretty angry that he got 4th, and I laughed at him.

"L-Last!? I didn't even get to touch girls yet!!" A purple grape person said.

Aizawa sighed and said, "That was the lie so that I could see you in your full potential,"

After we all went back to the classroom, and Aizawa took a nap.

"Let's all introduce ourselves," An alien girl said, and everyone agreed.

"Hello! I'm Ashido Mina! My quirk is acid!" She said.

Once everyone introduced themselves, it was my turn.

"I'm Izuku. I don't do last names. My quirk is RPG," Everyone looked at me intently.

"Woah! RPG as in video games?" Kaminari asked, and I nodded.

"So cool!" He said, and we all kept talking until lunch. Paimon then popped out.

"It's lunchtime! Paimon is hungry. Let's go!" Paimon said, and everyone looked at her in confusion. I explained to them who she is and they all understood.

When Paimon and I went to the cafeteria, we were pulled aside by Kachan.

"Ow...K-Kachan. What'd you grab me like that," I asked, and Paimon disappeared.

"Hey, Sh*tty Nerd! You said you'd tell me what happened! Where were you?! They said you were missing!? A-and Auntie Inko is dead!? What happened!?" He shouted and I sighed.

To Be Continued

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