Chapter 3- Missing

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Izuku POV

I ran to a nearby forest so I could crash without anyone knowing. The forest I found was nice, and I sat next to a tree and placed my backpack down on the grass. I wasn't tired because of all the adrenaline I have. Then I remembered the mail Paimon sent.

"Open Mail," I said, and a dark green box popped up and showed my mail.

{Sender- PAIMON} {Hello Player! Paimon just realized I didn't get your name. Anyways Paimon has a gift for you since you defeated that villain!}

There was a collect button on the button, and I pressed it. Out of nowhere, Enhancement Crystals fell, and the box disappeared. Wow! This could enhance my Dull Sword, but how? I decided to call for Paimon.

"Hello, Player! Paimon is here!" Paimon popped out and flipped.

"Hey Paimon, My name is Midoriya Izuku. Sorry that I forgot to tell you," I said and scratched my head.

"It's fine, Izuku! So why do you need Paimon?" She asked and got closer to me

"How do I enhance my sword?" I asked

" need to go to your menu screen! All you have to say is Menu Screen," Paimon said

"Menu Screen," I said, then a dark green box popped with different icons.

[Player has unlocked Menu Screen]

It looks like the pic on the bottom except for the events/notice sign, UID, Traveler (replaced with Izuku), World Level, Adventure Rank (replaced with level), the party set up, friends (replaced with enhancements), character (replaced with stats), characters (design), quests (replaced by analysts), battle pass, feedback, community, co-op, time change, Adventure Handbook (replaced with Journal)

It looks like the pic on the bottom except for the events/notice sign, UID, Traveler (replaced with Izuku), World Level, Adventure Rank (replaced with level), the party set up, friends (replaced with enhancements), character (replaced with stats),...

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(A/N If you want me to make an edit of the menu screen with all of these changes, tell me!!)

"Woah, it looks like the one in Genshin Impact! Except there are a lot more changes!" I said, and my eyes sparkled. There are so many options I don't know anything about! It's so cool!

"As you can see, there is one for Enhancements! Just click on it!" Paimon hovers over me to see the pop-up box.

I clicked on the Enhancements, and the layout changed. There was a slot that has a weapons option and another for ores for enhancing the weapons. 

"You can transfer your weapons and any items into your inventory. Just hold it," Paimon said, and I held my sword, and it disappeared with a slight glow. I clicked on the add symbol, and the Dull Sword was an option.

I only used some of my enhancement ores, and I got my Dull Sword to a good level 10. I kept it in my inventory, so I don't have to carry it everywhere. I also put my suitcase and backpack items in my inventory. Paimon told me more about the menu screen. My level can be increased by training in real life and playing different kinds of games. The shop is for my trade for better weapons, armor, materials, and other mystical goodies. Analysts are for me to organize my analysis on quirks, strategies, and other things. Stats are my skills, DMG, EM, ATK, HP, and lots more. Design/craft allows me to design my weapons,  armor, clothing, and anything I want to have the right materials.

The Next Day

3rd POV

Izuku woke up with awful neck pain and sat up. He slept on the grass, and it wasn't comfortable. He stretched and stood up and thought about what he should do today. He decided that he needed to get a job, to get at least a small apartment. 

"Menu Screen," He said

He checked in his inventory to see how much money he has from his savings, in total about ¥108851. It was a good amount that could last Izuku a week of rent. He decided to go to a cafe to get some free Wi-Fi and look for an apartment. He walked and ended up at a cat cafe. He walked in and was welcomed. He took his seat near a window.

"Hello, welcome to the Neko Neko Cafe! What can I get you?" A girl asked Izuku

"Uh, can I get just some simple choco chip cookies?" I asked, and she nodded

"Is that all?" I nodded, and she left.

After 5 minutes, the cookies came, and Izuku enjoyed them; and after 20 minutes, he found an apartment that was cheap but well kept, and the reviews were great. He decides to rent it, and he has to pay about ¥15000 per month, but he needs to get a job to keep payments. 

"Can I get you anything else?" The girl asks

"Um... actually, are you guys hiring?" She nodded and told Izuku to wait. 

After a couple of minutes, he was interviewed by the store owner and was hired to work there. He makes a pretty good income per hour. Izuku's schedule is work, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday for 5 hours. He then left the cafe and headed to his new apartment, and settled in. He got his Wi-Fi to work, and he went shopping for workbooks to self-teach himself. Once everything was bought, and he made his apartment more comfortable, he finally could say this is his home. 

Izuku POV

I woke up and stretched, then got up from my bed and went to my kitchen. I made myself some cereal and turned the TV on. 

"Two nights ago, a woman was killed in her house. Her son Midoriya Izuku is presumed to missing for now. Pro Heroes are trying to find him. Underground hero, Erasurehead, said he saw the young boy use his quirk to defeat the murderer and then ran-" I turned the TV off, and I was shocked that he saw me.

To Be Continued~

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