Chapter 13- Sports Festival 1

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Izuku POV

I trained and trained the whole week with Shinso. He would come over to my place after school and train with me. Eri would sometimes watch us, and if one of us got hurt, she would heal us. Soon it was the day of the Sports Festival.

"Bye, Eri!" I said and kissed her on her head.

"Bye-bye, dad! You better win!" She told me, and I chuckled.

"You think I'll lose?" I asked, and she giggled then left with the teacher.

"You sure are confident," Paimon stated.

"I guess. I mean, I'm at level 59!" I said, and she nodded.

"True, and you have mastered Cryo!" She said and spun.

Paimon and I continued to talk, and soon we got to UA. There was a group of reporters and other people.

"Um, excuse me?" I said, and everyone turned.

"Excuse me, sir? Are you a participant in the Sports Festival? What class are you in?" The lady asked and shoved a microphone at my face.

"Eh... yes, and I am in class 1-A," Then everyone came at me and asked questions.

"Ahem! Paimon thinks it would be nice for you guys to move!! We have to get in!" Paimon shouted, and everyone got quiet as we shoved our way in.

"Whoa!! There is food here!! You lied to Paimon!" She shouted and looked at all of the food.

"Sorry, Paimon, we need to get going, or we'll be late," She sulked but followed.

We finally got to the waiting room, and I sat there while Paimon was eating.

"Paimon, you really had to sneak out and spend my money on food?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"Paimon needs nutrition too!!" She said and continued to eat.

"Izuku," I heard someone say my name behind me.

"Todoroki?" I asked, and everyone turned in our direction.

"I know you're one of the strongest in our class, and I just want to say that I'm stronger than you," He says, and I didn't know what to say.

"Hey!! What's why are you so mean halfy?" Paimon shouts.

"I'm going to beat you and win," Todoroki proceeds to say, ignoring Paimon.

"Paimon is really angry-" Paimon was cut off by me chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks.

"Sorry, but I'm not going to back down from such declaration of war. I know you have your reasons for saying this. I have my reasons for fighting back," I smirked, and he nodded then left the room.

"Oh god, that gave me the chills," Kaminiari said, and everyone nodded.

"And here they are!! Class 1-A!!!" Mic shouted, and everyone cheered.

Woah, there's a lot of people. All of the first years come out, and for some reason, I felt so excited.

"Now time for the hero pledge!" Midnight said on the stage, and I could tell all the boys were blushing.

"Wh-what is Midnight wearing?" Kirishima asked.

"Her hero costume," I responded.

"How are you not phased by this?" Kaminiari asked, and I just shrugged.

"Now time for our class 1-A representative! Bakugo Katsuki!" Midnight shouted.

"Eh?" Everyone in 1-A said.

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