Chapter 10- Coming of USJ

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Izuku POV

After All, Might announce that we won. I am happy! I went to check on Kachan, and he was unconscious on the ground. I carried him out with the help of Iida and Jiro. 

"So can anyone explain how Izuku and Jiro won?" All Might asked, and Momo stepped forward.

"I can. Before going into the building, Izuku predicted what his opponents would do. This method won't work all the time, but in this situation, it did. Izuku knew that Bakugo would go for him first and leave Iida with the bomb. Izuku also studied his opponent well, and he knew that Bakugo is good at close combat. So he knew he had to distance himself. Jiro followed Izuku's plan and was cooperative. She was able to distract Iida and make him forget about the bomb," Momo said, and All Might's jaw dropped.

"Y-yes," was all he said.

I was waiting for Eri outside of the school, and I saw. 

"Dad!" She shouted and ran to me.

"Hey, how was school?" I asked her.

"It was great! I made a new friend, but he left earlier," She said, and I smiled.

"That's good," I said 

"Oh, Izuku! You're here too," I heard someone said and looked up. It was Tsu.

"Hello, Tsu!" I smiled.

"Is that you're little sister?" She asks.

"No! Dad is my Dad, not brother," Eri says.

"Wow, who knew you'd done it at a young age," Tsu said, and I blushed.

"N-no! Eri here had a rough past, and I took her in," I told Tsu, and she chuckled. 

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm picking up my little sister," She responded, and then we said bye to each other.

Once Eri and I got home, I helped her with her homework and did mine. Then I made us some food, and we were eating.

"So, what's your friend's name?" I asked Eri.

"His name is Kota, and he doesn't like heroes or villains. But I told him about you, and he said that you sounded cool!" Eri shouted with glee.

After we finished eating, I put Eri to bed, and I started to train. I played games until 11:00 and trained until 12:00. I then fell asleep next to Eri. 

It was the next day, and I woke up earlier because Shinso was going to school today! After I dropped Eri off, I rushed over to UA and saw Shinso.

"Shinso!!" I shouted, and he turned around.

"Hello, Izuku," He smiled.

"I was kind of lonely yesterday when you weren't here. I'm glad you're better," I said, and we walked over to 1-A.

"Hey, Izuku! Who's this?" Mina sprung up.

"He's Shinso! He's not talkative at first. His quirk is brainwashing! Really cool, right?" I asked, and Mina nodded.

Everyone introduced themselves to Shinso, then Aizawa came out.

"Everybody sit down. As you can see, we have another student. He couldn't come the first day because he was sick. Anyways, it's time for you to pick the class president and vice president. Don't wake me up," Aizawa said and rolled himself to a nap.

"How should we do this?" Uraraka asked.

"We should do a fair vote," Iida said with his robot motions, and everyone agreed. 

Some people opt-out of being president or vice president, including me. Momo got the most votes, and the Iida got the second most votes. Making then president and vice president. I was content with the results because I think Momo would be a great leader.

"Why, thank you guys for voting for me, but I would like to know why?" She asks

"You placed 1st in the quirk assessment test! You also understood what happened in our Heroes vs. Villains. So I thought you were fit for this role," I told her, and she blushes.

After we all went to lunch.

"Paimon is sad that there is no Sticky- Honey Roast!" Paimon whined, and I opened my inventory, giving her the food she likes.

"Woah! Izuku, that was cool! I saw you do that on the assessment yesterday," Uraraka said.

"What is it?" She asks.

"It's my healing food. My quirk has HP like a video game. One of my attacks that I did back there had to waste my HP. So eating this food would heal my HP," I told her, and she nodded.

"You're quirk is quite interesting, Izuku!" Iida said, and I chuckled. 

"Also, Izuku, how is your daughter?" Tsu asked, and Iida got up.

"Izuku! You have a daughter!? You are too young to give consent-" Shinso cut off Iida.

"Wait, you have a daughter Izuku!? I thought I was you're best friend," He said, and I scratched the back of my neck.

"Deku!!" I heard Kachan scream behind me.

"You have a daughter, you Sh*tty Nerd!?" Kachan shouted, and explosions came out of his hands.

"Izuku! Bro! You have a daughter!?" Kirishima and Kaminari said together.

"Lucky bastard, he got to do it before I did. He got the pleasure of touching girls without them hitting him!" Mineta muttered.

"Calm down, everyone," Momo stood.

"I'll explain everything. Izuku has a daughter, but not a biological one. He told me she bumped into him, and she had a rough past. He then took her in, and she calls him Dad," Momo explained, and everyone hummed. Then small sniffles could be heard.

"S-so manly!" Kirishima said through his tears.

"Y-yeah," Kaminari followed behind.

"That's very noble of you, Izuku," Iida said, and I awkwardly chuckled. 

We all ate our lunches and then headed back to class. 

"Paimon wonders how Eri-chan is doing," Paimon put her hand on her chin as I sat down at my desk.

"I bet she is doing great," I responded, and Paimon nodded, then disappeared. 

"Sit down, Problem Children. Okay, we are going to have a trip tomorrow," Everyone started to shout with excitement. 

"We are going is USJ for training," Aizawa said, and everyone was ecstatic. 

3rd POV

"Tomorrow is the day we kill All Might," A person said.

To Be Continued

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