Chapter 20- Return

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Izuku POV

I open my eyes to see a white ceiling. I got up, and my body started to hurt a lot. I look around and saw Todoroki and Iida awake.

"Izuku, are you okay?" Todoroki asked, and I nodded.

"I'm sorry for bringing you guys into this situation," Iida said.

"It's okay! We got to experience actual hero work!" I exclaimed, and they both looked confused.

"What are you talking about, Izuku? The whole part of this intern is to do hero work. Have you not done any hero work during your intern?" Todoroki asked.

"I guess not. I interned with Uwabami with Momo. She signed us up for modeling, so that's what we did. But I did learn a few things, like how to answer questions properly and multitasking with big responsibilities," I responded, and they both nodded. Then the door opened.

"Ah, I see you guys are awake," Uwabami came through the door.

"The girls were really worried about you," Uwabami looked at me.

Then the Hosu City chief police came and told us that the Hero Killer was arrested. He then said that Endeavor would be presented as defeating the Hero Killer. I understood why, but it was all lies, and I was not too fond of it. I brushed it off, though, and the Hosu City chief left.

"The doctors said that you just overused your quirk and that you can leave," Uwabami told me.

"What about you, Uwabami? How did you guys do?" I asked her.

"Well, at the train, I successfully guided and protected the people. Momo and Kendo distracted the huge thing, but Kendo got hit by it. Her injuries aren't as bad as I thought, though, so she is okay," Uwabami explained.

After that day, I was out of the hospital. Momo, Kendo, and I went walking around Hosu City and went to the mall.

"Let's go shopping for some clothes!" Kendo said and dragged Momo. I was by myself.

I decided to go to the food court.

"Hello, what would you like?" The worker said.

"Uh, a burger with fries and a milkshake," I said, and she typed it into the cashier. She then handed me the receipt.

Once I got my food, I sat down and ate. I pulled out my phone and went to Herogram.

Eh? 1,000 followers already? That was fast. I went to the comments for one of my posts.

'Omg! He is so hot and cute at the same time!'

'I wish I was you, dude!'

'You're going to UA!? Wow!'

'Did you guys see his exclusive picture in a magazine?'

'What is it!?'

'It's a secret, but I'll say he is hot!'

I chuckled at some of the comments, and then I heard camera clicks. I looked up and saw some girls with their phones out, I waved to them, and they squealed. I wonder what they want? I finished eating and threw away my plate. I saw Momo and Kendo walk into the food court, and I waved to them.

"Oh! Izuku! We thought you were lost!" Momo exclaimed.

"Yeah," Kendo then said.

"No! I was in the food court eating," I told them.

The next day...

The next day everyone was back at UA. I opened the door and saw Kachan's hair and took a picture. I then walked to my seat and sat down. We then all got ready for Hero training. All Might said that we were doing a rescue training race. Whatever that is. He then explained how it is a race to see who can save him first.

First up was Sero, Mina, Iida, Ojiro, and me.

3rd POV

"Wow, this team has a lot of mobility," Kirishima said.

"I feel like, Izuku might be at a disadvantage because his quirk is more of fighting," Momo stated.

"We will never know, to be honest," Jiro replied.

"Yeah, the dude always has some tricks up his sleeve," Kaminari stated.

"He'll probably find a way around this," Uraraka said.

After Uraraka said, all the people on the field started running.

Izuku POV

I was thinking about what I should do because I'm not really good with mobility. I mean, I could summon a gush of wind and use my wind glider, but that's so boring! Then it hit me on what I can do.

3rd POV

"Oh! Sero it first!" Kaminari shouted. Everyone is watching the screen. Then the ground started to shake.

"Woah! I-Is an earthquake happening!?" People screamed, then they heard a familiar voice on the screen.

"I don't know if this is cheating, but I gotta do what I gotta do," Izuku smirked.

"Planet Befall!" He shouted.

[Geo- Elemental Burst: Planet Befall]

Izuku brings a falling meteor down to earth, dealing massive Geo DMG to opponents caught in its AoE and applying the Petrification status to the other people.

"Woah!" Kaminiari shouts.

"Is that cheating?" Momo muttered.

[Cryo- Alternate Sprint: Kamisato Art: Senho]

An agile and elegant style of Kamisato Art. Hides within a swift flow of sleet that moves as Izuku moves. Izuku soon was first to All Might.

"Hey! All Might! What I just did is it cheating?" Izuku asks.

"I mean, I didn't explain the rules, so I guess not," All Might responded. Everyone was unsolidified when Izuku got to All Might.

"Hmm, this might be the thing Izuku had," Todorokki muttered.

"So he did have a trick up his sleeve!" Kaminari said.

"Interesting, he's like an OP player in a game," Kirishima said.

Izuku POV

After we all trained, we went back to our classroom.

"Izuku! What you did was so manly!" Kirishima came up to me.

"Haha, thanks!" I say.

"You're so OP!" Kaminari then shouted.

"I think Kacchan is stronger than me," I say.

"Damn right I am," He shouted.

Aizawa then came into the classroom and said that we have a little field trip. Everyone cheered.

"But this is a training camp and a grade," He says, and everyone was said.

"We will leave tomorrow morning. Don't be late," He says and rolls himself into his sleeping bag. Everyone then started to talk.

To Be Continued

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