Chapter One- Flags For Faces?!

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Y/N-Your Name


Third Person pov

Y/N is a normal school girl with a lot of friends. She is popular due to her kindness and honesty.

The school bell rang, meaning it was time to go home. "Thank you teacher!" The class said. Now, everyone was packing all of their things. Y/N packed all of her things, then went outside of her class to the hallway. She walked out of school, then started her journey home. Her parents are always at work, so she is mostly alone all day. Sometimes her friends would visit. When she got home, she put down all of her things, then went to take a shower. After she showered, she put on her most comfortable clothes and put her school clothes in the laundry. She then started working on her homework. She was on the last few questions when suddenly.....


'What was that?'
Y/N thought.

She got up from her table and went to the living room to search for what created the noise. She then looked behind the couch, thats when she saw.......

People laying on the ground..

Y/N walked closer to them. It wasn't just one person, but 7. When she moved closer to one of them, she saw that it had.........



It shocked her, what kind of being would have a flag for a face? It was just......Weird. Y/N needed to calm herself. So she breathed in and out. She liked countries a lot, she loved studying History. She made out that the person she moved closer to had the Chinese flag. She guessed that 'thing' was China? Not sure. She decided to leave them there for a while, they weren't moving at all. When she walked away, she heard grunting.


'Wtf was that...' Y/N thought to herself. She looked back at the people who somehow got into her house. She saw one of them getting up. They were wearing an ushanka. 'The heck...' Y/N thought. She then hid behind her kitchen counter. When the guy wearing the ushanka got up, she saw that they had the Russian flag for a face. She was getting goosebumps. "Where am I...?" The guy with the Russian flag said. It freaked her out. Thats when another guy got up. "How could I know...." A guy with an American accent said. 'Oh my fish' Y/N thought while watching the people who are in her house from the kitchen counter. "Seriously, where are we..." The guy with the Russian flag said. "Lets get the others up first" The American accented guy said. Y/N was basically shivering from having unknown people in her house, especially since they are 8 of them.

"I thought I saw something move over there!" The American accented guy said while pointing at the kitchen counter. 'Oh shucks, i am in trouble' Y/N thought to herself. "I think I see it too." The Russian guy said. "Lets check" The American said. They were moving closer to where Y/N was. She was covered in goosebumps. "Uh...Hi?" Y/N said while standing up. Suddenly Y/N felt someone grab her wrist. She was going to scream when someone covered her mouth. "WHY ARE WE HERE AND WHERE ARE WE?" The Russian said. "Rus, calm down, you are scaring her, dude." The American said. Thats when the Russian let go of you. You were in shock. "Okay, so uhm...Where are we?" The American asked. "I-in my ho-house..." You stuttered. "How did we get here?" The Russian asked. There was annoyance in his voice. "I d-don't know...I just found you on the g-ground..." Y/N answered. "See Rus? Its that easy." The American said to the Russian. "By the way, I am America. You can call me Ame!" The guy now known as America said to You. "Oh...I am Y/N" Y/N replied. "And this guy here is Russia" America said pointing at the Russian. "Привет"(Hey) The Russian said. "Мне очень жаль, что я сделал это сейчас"(I am sorry for doing that just now) The Russian continued. You didn't know Russian so it was weird. "I said I was sorry for what I did just now" The Russian said noticing your confused look. "Oh its okay" You replied. "So, uhm..Y/N..." Ame started. "yea..?" You said. "The others....uhm...Lets wake them up" Ame said. "Oh uhm..okay...." You replied. Russia just kept quiet. He looks annoyed or something. It was a hard to explain expression. "What are you looking at?" Russia said. Thats when you realized you were staring at him."S-sorry" You said while blushing from embarrassment. "Its fine" He said. "Hey are you guys gonna help me or something?" Ame shouted. "Stupid capitalist pig" Rus said. It made you chuckle. "HEY I HEARD THAT" Ame shouted again. "Uhm..Ame, not too loud, it hurts my non-capitalist pig ears"Rus said.(DOES HE EVEN HAVE EARS???) You just chuckled even more. Thats when 2 of them started getting up. "Who are you?" One of them asked. "She's Y/N, Y/N, this is Germany" Ame said. "Hi G-Germany" You stuttered. "Hallo, Y/N..." Germany said. This was awkward. Like too awkward. Ame then walked up to another guy with the Canadian flag. "Y/N, this is Canada, my brother" He said. "Hello Y/N" Canada said. "hi" You replied. "So what about the others?" Rus asked. "We can wait for them to wake up" Canada said. "Thats too long" Germany said. "Y/N, do you have any rooms for them?" Ame asked. "Oh uhm...I do" You replied. "Lets let them rest there" Rus said while picking up one of them. You hummed in response. The others were not strong enough to carry the rest, so only Rus carried them. His annoyed face was cute.

"So, we will be staying here for a while?" Germany asked. "Yea" Ame said. "Y/N" Canada said. "Yes?" You replied. "I am kind of hungry, do you have any food?" Canada asked. "Of course, the food is on the counter" You replied. Canada then went dashing to the kitchen counter. This is uhmmmm....weird to be honest. Having people you don't really know in your house. "So, Y/N" Germany said. "Yes?" You asked. "We will be staying here, is that okay?" He asked. "yea, its okay" You replied. This is gonna be a long day......


Sorry if the translation is wrong, i used google translate. ;-; Now I am working on two stories, lmao.

1054 words, o-o

-Cheez Out-

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