Interrogation - II

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Chris sighed as he sank into the sofa in his small apartment. 

The past week had been...trying to say the least; police interview upon police interview - not to mention the loss of his best friend - had taken a lot out of him. In addition to that, Ash had been ringing him every evening without fail, and while before that would have been a dream come true, now she was usually crying hysterically and it took him a good half an hour to calm her down.

It was nice to finally have some peace and quiet...


Chris' eyes shot open and he glared at his door in irritation.


Glancing at his clock he saw it was 10:30pm, who would be knocking at this time?


He sighed and got off his comfortable sofa to answer the door.


"Alright already I'm coming!" He shouted, "No need to be so impatient-!" As he opened the door he was forced backwards with such force that he almost tripped over his coffee table. Two people entered; a tall, lanky blond male and a considerably shorter, dark haired female; he didn't recognise either of them. "Hey man, I've had a pretty rough week, honestly there's nothing here worth stea-!" 

The girl held up her hand to cut him off; her grey eyes were threatening.

"We're not here to rob you; I just want to ask you a few questions." Her accent was some form of British, and her companion closed the door behind them. 

Chris looked back and forth between them, out of the two he got the impression the small woman was most definitely the one in charge.

"Questions...what kind of questions? What about?" He asked with a frown. 

She pointed to the sofa, presumably signalling for him to sit, however he stayed standing; she might have been be menacing but he was at least a head taller than her. Unfortunately when he didn't sit, she growled and made him.

"Hey Quinn, there's no need to be rude, okay?" The male objected; he gave Chris an oddly apologetic look; he too had a British accent, go figure. "Sorry about this, we've had a long flight and we're kind of on a tight schedule..."

"The 'stranger' from Blackwood Pines, what did he look like?" The female, 'Quinn', jumped straight in, ignoring what her companion had said.

"The stranger from..." Chris repeated what she had said in surprise, before regarding her cautiously, now on his guard. "What's it got to do with you?" Apparently that was the wrong answer. Quinn grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer; he absently noted the freckles sprinkled across her now scrunched nose.

"Look you...just answer me!" She hissed.

"Quinn, calm down!" The male detangled her hands from the front of Chris' shirt and gently pushed her back slightly, she shot him a dark look but he held her steely gaze with surprising ease, as if he was used to it. "We can't just force our way into a stranger's apartment and start interrogating him! He doesn't even know who we are, has no reason to co-operate with us." He reasoned; Chris was glad to see he was considerably more reasonable than his companion.

Quinn inhaled sharply in disapproval, "Fine. I can play nice. My name is Quinn, this is my friend Stuart. You're Chris, and if the stranger you described is who I think it is then he's my father," Chris gaped at her, he'd not been sure what to expect but it wasn't that, "So that's what it has to do with me." She added a little viciously at the end.

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