Friendship - X

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Manic cackling filled her ears.

Feel good.

From the corner of her eye she saw the bedroom door open, but she didn't bother to look up as she knew who it was; she just kept her gaze fixed on the ceiling fan.

Feel good.

Sure enough she felt a weight on the bed beside her and the earphones were pulled from her ears.

Feel g-

"Hey! What was that for?" Quinn grumbled, finally looking at the person who had invaded her peaceful bubble.

"What, no 'hi Josh how are you?'? You wound me!" Josh grimaced at her mockingly and Quinn sat up, rolling her eyes.

"Hey Josh, how are ya'?!" She asked in an overly bubbly, cheerful voice. He just laughed at her and she settled back comfortably into the pillows. He had just got back from another session with Dr Hill but oddly enough he seemed fairly upbeat about it all, though she suspected that was because he was finally going to see Chris. "Shouldn't you be off to see the other misfits?" Josh had arranged to meet everyone and 'clear the air', and god only knew that the air needed clearing; it was positively stale.

"Yepp." He nodded, "I'm pretty much ready, I came back for something but...aren't you a little under-dressed?" He eyed her lounge-wear with a critical eye and a smile, but Quinn only frowned.

"Not for the day of eating, lounging and moping I had planned, no." She replied.

"Oh didn't I tell you Quinoa? There's been a change of plan, you're coming with me." Josh smirked at her and quickly made his way to the door before Quinn could crawl off the bed and reach him, "I'll wait for you downstairs!" And he quickly made his exit.

"Oh for god's sake." She flopped back onto the bed and huffed. Not that she had any real issue with going she just felt she didn't really serve any purpose in being there; half of them didn't know her and she sure as hell didn't need an apology from him. With one final sigh she got up and headed over to the drawer she'd commandeered for her clothes and got dressed. 

The past week had flown by and as the only two people in the house under the age of 40, Quinn and Josh had consequently spent most of their time together; both using each other to take their minds off their less-than-perfect situations. It was a bond formed from necessity; however it was pure luck that they got along like a house on fire. Having both suffered extreme loss and having people tread on egg-shells around them it was nice not to have to do it when they were together, they could behave normally...or at least as normally as the current situation would allow. 

Quinn got changed and gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror, "Well Quinn you're looking mighty...acceptable." She gave her reflection a curt nod and vacated the room to re-join Josh downstairs. "You know I think I'm gonna have to get some new clothes if I'm here much longer..."

"Tired of living in vests, jumpers and cargo-pants?" Josh enquired with a grin as they left the house.

"Like I could ever, may not look fancy but I'm always comfortable." Josh rolled his eyes at her pragmatic response, "So where're we heading Chief?" She stuffed her hands into her pockets and easily fell into stride beside him.

"Some café, Sam picked it out."

Quinn nodded slightly, "Riiiight...and just why am I coming?" 

She gave him a pointed look and he responded with a slightly sheepish smile.

"Well firstly, because if this all goes to hell I'm gonna need your womanly bosom to cry into." Quinn snorted and shook her head, "And secondly because they wanted to see you, Chris specifically asked if you were coming." Josh gave her a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows and she ignored it.

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