Aftermath - VII

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When Mike and Quinn emerged from the mines, they were greeted by blinding light and the police. Apparently they had found Sam, Chris and Josh on their way back to the cable car and upon seeing Josh Washington safe and sound – though a little worse for ware – they had demanded answers; not knowing what to say they'd distracted the police by telling them about Quinn and Mike still stuck in the mine. Naturally, the police had gone to investigate. 

Fortunately, Quinn's cracked ribs prevented them from asking too many probing questions and they were all escorted from Blackwood Pines and to the nearest hospital to be examined. And of course, the Washington's were informed that their son had been found.

"You say you slipped and fell down a ditch?" The police officer asked her again sceptically.


"And...that's how you cracked your ribs?"

Quinn clicked her tongue, "That's what I said."

The police were growing more agitated at her attitude by the second, "And that you just happened to stumble across Joshua Washington despite our officers best efforts over the past week?" 

Quinn's head was pounding, she wanted him to fuck off and leave her alone; hadn't she been through enough for one day?

"Well we were looking for him." She pointed out, they had by no means 'stumbled across' him. "Perhaps if a group of adolescents managed to find him in a few hours, while you guys couldn't find him in a week, then you should be questioning your staff, not me." She replied in a snarky manner; he didn't seem to appreciate her comment or her tone.

"A group of heavily armed adolescents." He pointed out sharply, "We'll need to question you further on that." He wrote something down on his notepad and Quinn rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, ok whatever, can you just fuck off now?" She asked him bluntly, the pain medication had made her particularly ballsy. "Please." She added 'politely'.

The officer bristled angrily at her rudeness, but happily for Quinn the doctor swooped in to her rescue. "Detective Milner, Miss Quinzel has had a very trying day and needs time to rest and recuperate and asking these questions right now isn't good for my patient." She informed him a firm voice, she gently guided him out of the examination room and Quinn sighed.

"Thanks Doc." Dr Greene smiled at her.

"Not a problem, just try not to answer any more questions until this medication has worn off." She advised. Quinn snorted in amusement but agreed.

"How's everyone else?" She asked.

"Your friends are all fine." Quinn didn't bother correcting her by informing her that they were not her friends, and that her only friend was now a headless corpse stuck in a mine. "Joshua Washington had a few minor injuries but...his main problem isn't physical." Dr Greene suddenly straightened up and coughed, as if she realised she perhaps shouldn't discuss it much more; though Quinn had figured as much, she'd be surprised if he could remember anything about the journey out of the mines. "You on the other hand have a few fractured ribs and possible concussion." Quinn grimaced, she'd come off worse than she thought. 

There was suddenly a knock at the door, Dr Greene stood and pulled the curtain around the bed Quinn was laid on for privacy before she answered. "Hello, oh, Mrs Washington, Mr Washington!" Quinn tensed and listened carefully, "What can I do for you?"

"Well actually...we wondered if we'd be able to see the girl responsible for saving our Joshua's life." Mrs Washington was the one who spoke, Quinn gripped the sides of her bed, why did they want to see her?

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