Blood - XVI

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This ones shorter than the others (and looooong overdue, work has just been manic!).


Speaking to Josh had been a mistake in more ways than one; a mistake in the sense that Quinn hadn't meant to do it, but also, talking to him had well and truly screwed her focus. She should have just hung up straight away when she realised what had happened – she was trying to evade being mauled to death by a wendigo, it wasn't exactly the best time to be taking phone calls. But...hearing his voice had been nice; inwardly the thought made her cringe, she was acting like a love sick teenager. Artemis' howl tore her from her thoughts and she yelped as she narrowly dodged a swipe from the beast that was perusing them; or rather the beast that had caught them, since they were no longer running.

Quinn's eyes darted about searching for a solution, all she had to do was get herself and Artemis in the cable car and set it to go down...but what if it followed? The practical part of her mind wouldn't allow her to meekly retreat if it meant possibly endangering others. That settled it, she'd have to make it retreat before she could; she felt about in her pockets and found the items she needed were still there; she might not have had a flamethrower to kill it but, she had learned from Sam and brought deodorant and a lighter. In this situation scaring it off would be enough. "Right." Quinn grit her teeth; when it came at her again she would be ready, she just had to let it get close enough for the flame to reach. Which was, admittedly, uncomfortably close. It charged and she flicked the switch on the side of the lighter and sprayed the deodorant, a bright yellow flame burst forth and the Wendigo shrieked in chagrin. "I missed!"

Though the flame failed to hit, it did cause the creature to back away from them both and Quinn took the opportunity to circle round so both she and her reclaimed dog were on the side of the cable car. Gently, she placed her hand on the top of Artemis' head and led him with her as she moved; neither of them taking their eyes from their target. The cold, empty eyes of the Wendigo followed them as they moved but it made no move towards them.

Once they were successfully but the side of the door Quinn finally had to take her eyes from the Wendigo and pull the lever to open it, she ushered Artemis inside and let out a sigh of relief as she took stepped inside the car. Her relief was short lived when she heard a scrambling behind her; she turned in time to miss the deadly half of the Wendigo's attack, however it's teeth still sliced into her neck with ease and she screamed in pain as she thrashed. Quinn pulled herself forwards and stumbled onto the floor; she turned and quickly set her mini-flame thrower on the beast. This time she didn't miss; it howled and stumbled away from the entrance, flailing about and trying to put the flames out. In its panicked thrashing the Wendigo hit the controls for the cable car and with a lurch it set off transporting Quinn and Artemis back down the mountain. Quinn let out a half-laugh in disbelief, "Someone should write a book about all the crazy shit that happens to me, I swear." Artemis licked the side of her cheek and she stroked his face; they may have been bloody and beaten, but they were alive.

A warmth trickling down her collarbone reminded her of her injury; she unzipped her coat and ripped off the bottom of the vest she wore under her jumper as best she could, after which she pressed the lump of fabric against the wound to prevent her from losing too much blood. "I think I might need to pay Dr Greene a visit again." She groaned, "Maybe she can look you over too." Artemis barked in acknowledgement and she laughed, tickling his ears. "Good boy." She took her phone from her pocket again and quickly typed out a text, letting Josh know she was alright after what had just happened. I'm wendigo free, heading back down this stupid mountain with Artemis now... Quinn hesitated for a second, I got a little injured so I'm gonna go get checked out, hopefully get my dog checked too. See you in a day or two. After she sent it she was half tempted to turn her phone off, just so she didn't have to speak to anyone attempting to ring her.

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