Attachment - XI

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Life had settled into a strange, semi-peaceful state of normality for Quinn, and for the first time in what seemed like a long time she was content. After Josh's little gathering a few weeks previously his group of friends had warmed up to him again, and Quinn as well – though he was by no means completely forgiven, Ash in particular still hadn't forgiven him, or even spoken to him since they'd all met up.

Life as Josh's 'secret' roommate (secret because she wasn't entirely certain whether or not the Washington's knew she was sharing his room) was surprisingly fun; he was no Stuart but that just made things better, she didn't want another Stuart, Josh was...perfect just being Josh. Quinn had discovered she had the same phone as him so she'd borrowed his charger, got a new sim and text Sam as soon as everything had been set up; Sam had been very quick to respond. In fact, Quinn was surprised to find that before long nearly all of them seemed to have her number.

"Texting Sam again?" Josh asked, glancing over her shoulder.

"Yepp." She nodded, "Never been this popular in my life." Josh grinned at her and she grimaced at her phone, "But she wants me to go shopping with her."

"Not keen?" He asked.

Quinn squinted up at him, "You may not have realised this, but I'm not exactly the kind of girl who goes clothes shopping with others girls very often." She sighed.

She heard Josh laugh and turned to glare at him while he cleared his throat and pretended not to laugh at the thought of her shopping.

"No I er, definitely got that impression." She huffed, but his smile was infectious and she found herself smiling back before long. "Honestly Sam isn't big on that kind of stuff either, she probably just wants to spend some time with you before..." He trailed off and Quinn chewed on her lip.

They hadn't really discussed her leaving. Obviously, they'd have to at some point, and fairly soon since Quinn's ribs were almost perfectly healed, and she had a lot of stuff to sort out back home...but she didn't really want to.

And evidently neither did he.

"I suppose I could go." She said begrudgingly, "You were right, I can't live in vests, shorts and cargo pants forever."

Josh flopped back on the bed and rested his arm over his eyes. "You won't hear any complaints from me, but I guess..." Quinn rolled her eyes and hit him with a pillow, "I could go with you."

The hunter frowned and turned back to look at him, "You really want to spend hours shopping for girls clothes with me and Sam?"

"" He sighed, Quinn smirked at him as he peaked at her from under his arm.

"I thought as much." She hopped off the end of the bed and texted Sam back agreeing to meet her, "Aww don't look so down Chief, I'm with you all day every day!" She grinned at him as she grabbed her jacket and he peaked out from under his arm. "You'll be getting sick of me if you're not careful! I'll see you later."

A quick wink and she was gone, leaving Josh to heave an almighty sigh as he sat up and stared at the door she had left through.

"I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon."


Following the directions Sam had sent her, she managed to find the blonde with relative ease, though much to her surprise she wasn't the only blonde waiting for her. "Hey Sam and...Jess?" She raised a brow and Sam gave her an almost apologetic look.

"Hey Quinn, Jess...saw the text I sent you about shopping and well..."

"I decided to join you since I know both of you will make god awful outfit choices." Jess finished, as she did she eyed Quinn's choice of clothing critically, "If this little number is anything to go by, looks like I was right."

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