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"Namjoon, I wanted to take our sweet Kookie and introduce him to Mr.Yager." Jin said as he approached the two men.

His hands were placed on both of Jungkook's shoulders as he marched the boy forward.

"Of course, Mr. Yager, this is Jungkook, he's my ward of sorts and will be joining us on our business endeavors when he finishes school. Even now, he's working with Jin and helping with the bookkeeping of some of our side projects like the bakery." Namjoon introduced with a smile.

He placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and guided him forward to shake Mr.Yager's hand.

"My, my, aren't you both a little young to be taking in an apprentice?" The man teased with a smile as he shook Jungkook's hand.

"Jungkook is a talented boy, a natural in this field of work. He personally helped with much of the Bulletproof's extension this year." Jin added proudly.

"A protege raised by proteges, how delightful." Mr. Yager barked with a laugh as he took Jungkook in. The man wore a fine suit despite the club setting and had a bushy white mustache over his upper lip.

"Jungkook, Mr. Yager is an esteemed member of Alcor's commerce council and has shown interest in Bulletproof, as we discuss plans for our third expansion," Jin explained as he guided all the men to take a seat at a nearby table, waving at the bartender to bring over some drinks.

"Wonderful," Jungkook beamed as he and the councilman settled into their seats.

Jin was perfectly capable of doing this task himself, of course. Mr.Yager was already very interested in the project and looking to buy trades in the company before they even spoke of a third expansion. But Jin wanted to make an effort to get Jungkook's face more well known and trusted in the public eye, so he can transition seamlessly into any position he likes. Or if the boy wasn't passionate about running the Casino or the bakery, he would already be well known and prepared to start his own project.

"So Jungkook, what is it you could tell me about this expansion?" Mr. Yager asked, wanting to entertain the boy in front of him.

"What is it you want to hear? We'll make it happen for you." Jungkook promised with a roguish grin.

Mr. Yager laughed in delight at the gall of the young man. Jin let out a sigh, wondering if he should have made the boy count down from one hundred instead of reciting his ABC's. But even a little tipsy and far too overconfident, Jungkook was charming, competent, and had a total understanding of the project. Jin was sure he could make the closing selling point to Mr. Yager.


"Where did Jungkook go?" You whined as you wrapped your arms around Taehyung's neck, leaning back in your boredom.

"He's talking with a client now. Why do you want to dance with him now?" Taehyung asked, placing his hands on your waist to anchor you in case your grip on him slipped.

"I'm bored, aren't you bored?" You groaned as you pulled back up to center your weight and step away from him. Your vision tilted a bit as you did, but you ignored it.

Taehyung grumbled, "Not bored, but I am ready for this night to be over." 

"Are you not having fun?" You asked, looking up at him with big, round eyes.

"I don't like clubs," Taehyung confessed.

"Why not?" Taehyung huffed out a breath of amusement, you were acting like a child, so curious and oblivious.

"I don't like large crowds, or people touching me." He answered, honestly.

"You're not even trying to have fun though, you were all stiff and lame on the dance floor, and now you're all stiff and lame with me. You need a drink!" 

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