Mental Health Day

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You were mentally exhausted as you walked out of the conference room with RM nearly an hour later. RM was patient, and together, the two of you revised and amended the contract as needed before parting ways.

"I'll get the final copy to you by your next shift. Jin will transfer the funds as soon as you sign the dotted line." He assured before wishing you a quick farewell and making his way to what you assume was his office.

You tried not to show your mental fatigue as you made your way down the stairs and to the foyer of the East wing.

"Ella," Jungkook greeted as you made your way down.

"Jungkook, did you wait all this time?" You greeted back, a little surprised

"No, I actually just came by a few minutes ago to give something to Yoongi, when he told me you and RM were still in there, so I thought I would try my luck and wait around a bit." He explained with a shy grin.

"Oh," was all you managed to say, both shocked and a little touched by his consideration.

"I was wondering if you wanted a ride to the library. I know you've been studying like crazy for finals."

You groaned at the reminder.

You should definitely go to the library. Your study game, while rigorous, has been weak as of late. You were growing more and more anxious about the approaching of your graduation. It felt like no matter how much time you put into your classes, your brain wasn't absorbing any of it.

Maybe your concentration was being frayed after all the stress you'd gone through the past few months, but you can't exactly explain that to your professor.

"I do need to study," you agreed before letting a pout form on your face, "but I really don't want to."

Jungkook tried to conceal his smile, but he couldn't, finding your cute, little pout endearing.

"Ella, when was the last time you had a day off?" He questioned curiously.

Your brow furrowed, confused, "I have off today." You said, stating it like it was obvious.

Because it was. He knew your work schedule better than you did.

He shook his head, "No, I mean like a real day off, from studying, work, everything. When was your last mental health day?"

His lips tilted into a disapproving frown from your prolonged silence before he reached for your wrist and turned on his heels.

"We're not going to the library today. I'm taking you home." He stated firmly.

You followed him along, wrist still captured in his grasp as you question him.

"Because," Jungkook exclaimed like it was obvious, "you need a mental health day. We're going home. You're putting on a tee shirt and sweatpants, and you're going to plant your ass on your couch and watch shitty movies with me."

"It's too hot for sweatpants," you grumbled.

"Whatever, shorts then," he grumbled right back, rolling his eyes at your petty complaint.

"Actually, when in the comfort of my own home, I prefer to go pantless," you smirked as the two of you entered the garage.

Jungkook stumbled in shock, almost dragging you down with him, and you cackled at his flustered state.

"Watch it," you teased.

"Do you have no shame?" Jugkook questioned, releasing your wrist as if you would contaminate him from the contact.

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