Not Intrested <3

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A/N: it's 2:30am on a Friday can you tell I was excited to post this weekends update :)

And for a second, to your shame, you paused and considered. All your hard work, paying off. Your chance of becoming a doctor expedited so you can start your training nearly two years early, getting that much closer to getting your licensing.

The man in the suit's eyes gleamed as he saw your hesitation, your ambition.

You let yourself fantasize for one more moment before making a promise to yourself that if you were going to do it, you would do it your way. You wanted your title to be earned by you and you alone. All your hard work would be for nothing if someone let you cheat the rest of the way through.

You tilted your head in mock consideration, sucking your teeth and making that 'tisk' sound that used to set your dad off growing up. Of course, it hurt your still healing mouth, but by the way the man's eyes flared as you cooed, "Not interested." You knew it had the desired affect.

The man in the suit composed himself and smirked as he pushed off the table, "I have to respect your loyalty to them, but it is a pity-" he said with a shake of his head.

"It's not loyalty to BTS," you corrected, "Maybe I'm just not interested in working for a guy who brings big scary men along to intimidate me into taking the world's shittiest job offer."

This is where you immediately question your decisions. Before, he was tolerant to you because he needed you, but you just clearly rejected his offer. So now he had no reason to play nice.

You were seriously pushing your luck.

"We'll see, until next time Y/N, boys... you know what to do." He ordered as he made his way out.

You didn't know how to process the need to roll your eyes at this man's seemingly rehearsed cheesy supervillain one-liners and the fear that spiked through you at what his henchmen 'knew what to do.' It resulted in a confused flutter of your lashes before one man picked up a chair and threw it at the glass display, shattering it.

You cried out in shock as he picked up another chair to repeat the task.

Frantic to stop him, you grabbed for his arm. Effortlessly, he shook you off, and you lost your footing, falling to the ground. Pain erupted through your head-turning your vision white as your jaw slammed into your own shoulder at the impact.

When your vision cleared, you could see the three men and Marcus working on wrecking the bakery—tearing apart the display cases and wall that held baskets for the bread. You flinched back as the thousand-dollar espresso machine crashed to the ground littering espresso beans all over the floor.

You had to get out of there, suddenly terrified they would use the ovens to burn the place down.

You got up, quickly making a break for the kitchen where the back exit was.

"Hey, someone grab her!" You heard Marcus shout as you made it through the swinging doors. You turned, adrenaline aiding you as you pulled the bakers rack by the doors in front of them, hoping the slight obstacle would slow them down and keep them from following you out into the alleyway.

You raced for the exit, pushing on the door, your momentum reverberating back up your arms as it did not budge. You shoved again, a sob of panic escaping you as you realized you already locked up the back earlier when closing. And your keys were behind the counter with your phone.

You were trapped, and if BTS wasn't here by now, then no one was coming to save you.

An idea came to you as the baking rack fell to the ground as the intruders shoved against the kitchen doors. But it still managed to block the doors from opening fully. So you got a few more moments of safety as they fumbled to push through your shitty barricade.

You raced across the kitchen to the maintenance door, moving to punch the code in. You couldn't believe it was just this morning when you found Jimin in his lab, and he gave you this very code.

With a shout of victory, you turned and saw two of the men squeeze their way into the kitchen, dragging the baker's rack with them.

"Nowhere to run," the balding man sneered right as you submitted the pin.

There was a momentary delay before the lock processed the code and unlocked the door for you. In that time, the balding man charged forward. You had enough time to crack the door open enough for your body to slip in and grab the first device on the table.

You sent up a prayer begging that the canister in your hand wasn't an explosive as you pulled the trigger and tossed it into the kitchen, slamming the lab door shut behind you and bracing yourself for the boom.

You heard the man shout in shock and a faint but familiar hissing sound on the other side of the door. Soon Marcus and the others were crying out in surprise as you listened to the pressurized canister release gas into the kitchen.

You glanced at the counter beside you, seeing a row of the canisters twin to the one you launched in the kitchen, lining the countertop in a neat line. Next to it was the beaker Jimin was working with this morning. A cure to the effect of the smoke, he had explained. While you can build up a tolerance to the gas, he realized after your encounter with the smoke that some civilians and witnesses may need an immediate cure to cooperate and keep their memories for interrogations.

You grabbed one of the viles, tipping back what you hoped was a safe dose in your mouth, and grabbed a rag tying it around your face for good measure. You had one option, hide behind this door and wait it out.

'It' being the intruders getting bored of waiting for you and running off or for someone in BTS to come to your rescue.

Or you could fight your way out.

The risk of them using the ovens to burn down the bakery wasn't one you were willing to take now that the chances were in your favor.

And while you couldn't take two men, much less four, in a fight on your own. When they're dizzy and have their vision impaired from the gas, you knew you could take them if Jimin's cure worked. You knew the layout of this kitchen like the back of your hand; you knew you could navigate your way around it and weaponize what was in it.

And you like your chances.

A/N: plz like and comment to support my work! :)

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