Hey :)

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"Late night?" you asked as you smiled at him sweetly and scrolled through the list of drinks to ring him up.

"I find I'm more productive in the evenings," Namjoon responded smoothly.

"I say the same thing, but if we're honest I think I'm just guilty of procrastination," you joked as you wrote his order on a cup and handed it to Jimin, who tried his best to keep one eye on you and the espresso machine as he made the drink.

"Thank you, Ella," Namjoon said as he dropped his coins in the tip jar with a rattle, and took his drink from Jimin with a small smile.

"You seem tense," you said softly as you watch Namjoon take a seat at one of the tables scrolling through his phone.

Jimin blinked quickly before turning to you with a smile, "Not at all princess, but it's almost time for closing so let me show you how we pack and clean up everything," he said with a smile. Before he could go further the bell chimed again and to his displeasure saw another one of his brothers enter the shop. Jungkook looked about as shocked to see you as you did, despite having the warning. Jimin forgot he and Namjoon were taking care of a deal tonight and using the storefront as a meeting place.

Jimin watched Namjoon frown as Jungkook walked passed him. A dopey smile forming on the idiot's face as he strolled up to the counter. You didn't take your eyes off him as you brushed by Jimin to take his order. Saints, you were both pathetic.

"What can I get you?" you asked your voice shy and small as you reached to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Caramel macchiato," his articulate brother responded softly.

Jimin watched Jungkook shift he weight as you rang him up searching for something to say before blurting, "I saw you the other day, at the library"

Your smile faltered, "Yeah, I know the elevator you-"

"Sorry I didn't say hi, I guess that was pretty weird," he laughed rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"It was," you agreed, eyebrows furrowing, and Jimin had to hide his smile with his hand as he watched the younger deflate. You were brutal and Jimin adored it.

"But you can say hi now?" you offered catching your mistake.

Jungkook flushed as a smile broke across his cheeks and gave a soft, "Hey Ella,"

"Hey Jungkook," you responded as you smiled back at him endearingly and he felt his stomach flutter at the fact that you remembered his name. Jimin wanted to bang his head into a wall at the sight of the middle school romance blooming in his shop. He looked around for inspiration desperate to spoil the moment before your eyes turned into actual hearts.

"Kook," Namjoons voice almost echoed in the quiet bakery and you both jumped as you handed Jungkook back his card, "Sorry coming," he called walking over to the elder.

They exchanged words softly, Jungkook plugging a jump drive into Namjoons laptop as Jimin talked you through preparing his drink. By time you were ready to bring the drink to him he was gone.

 "You can set it on the table," Namjoon said with a sweet smile flashing two crater deep dimples at you. "Jungkookie is just running something over to a friend he'll be back soon," he assured. You flushed and realized you probably looked disappointed by his absence and set the steaming mug on the table, wishing to all gods that Namjoon wouldn't notice how you teasingly wrote 'Hey :)' in caramel sauce on top of his drink. 

Stupid, stupid you hissed to yourself as you returned to a smirking Jimin. What were you doing exactly? Flirting??

Jimin got you started with closing the kitchen, standing in the doorway to keep one eye at the front of the shop while directing you on how to wipe down the ovens and prep some of the yeast for tomorrow morning.

At one point Suga came into the shop and chatted with Namjoon, but he didn't order anything so Jimin kept you in the kitchen deciding you didn't need to meet the entire household tonight. When you did all that you could while the shop was still open Jimin had you come back to the front to show you how to clean the coffee machines. Namjoon was still at the table in the corner, a small plate of lemon cake half-eaten in front of him as he worked on his computer and Jungkook's cooling mug across from him untouched.

"El your sleeves are soaked," Jimin groaned, noticing the dingy white fabric, "here." he sighed, reaching for your wrist and rolling your sleeve up your forearm. "You're going to have to make a habit of rolling your sleeve now that you work in a kitchen," he said as he reached for the other one.

You nodded not really hearing him as your eyes followed the movement of his arms staring at the familiar tattoo. You realized while you established you were probably safe to work here, that you still haven't gotten any answers about the guys.

"I like your tattoo," you said, your voice sounding more forced than casual, but Jimin stiffened in response before letting a small smirk crawl across his face, "Yea, you got any?" he asked as he finished and dropped your arm. You shook your head as you shifted uncomfortably, "No, not yet at least, I think they're super cool though. What does yours mean?" you prompted trying to make yourself seem only slightly interested.

Jimin glanced over his shoulder to Namjoon observing the two of you with a raised brow, and Jimin rolled his eyes. It's not like BTS was his secret, it was Hoseok's. "It's a family crest," Jimin replied dismissively,

Your brows rose in disbelief, "Really it's so modern looking, I didn't realize you and Jin were kin." you prodded as you returned to wiping down the counter.

Annoyance flashed across his face before he huffed, "We're very distant cousins, but he's like a brother to me."

"Wow you must have a massive family," you prompted with a smile. And Jimin's eyes glinted as he saw a way out of your little interrogation. "Very," he said as he leaned in to whisper, "that's not the only massive thing I have though,"

You immediately turned scarlet stepping away from him, "Jimin," you hissed scandalized. 

He smiled cheekily before turning back to the floor, "C'mon nosey let's get back to work." he prompted. You and Jimin continued cleaning and whipping down the counters before the shop finally closed. Jungkook never came back, and you tried not to look disappointed as you took the cold coffee cup, off the table along with Namjoon's cake plate. Most of your message sunk to the bottom of the cup in a large sugar lump. You noticed Namjoon still sat at his table working after Jimin flipped the sign on the door to CLOSED, and Jimin saw the curiosity in your eyes as you placed the dishes in the sink.

"He's the owner," the baker offered as an explanation.

Confusion wrinkled your brow "I thought Jin was the owner?"

At this Jimin's eyes turned to crescents as he smiled "He owns Jin." he said simply before returning to the dishes. Once the dishes were dried and put away Jimin took you to the back to finish cleaning the kitchen and preparing the dough to rise for the morning's bread.

"It's getting late, why don't you head home early," Jimin offered as you placed reusable wax paper over another bowl.

"Are you sure, we're not done?" you asked confused, he nodded with a smile.

"You did good today go get some rest," he encouraged with a smile. 

 Feeling tired from the long day you decided to take him up on the offer. You quickly slipped off your apron and gathered your things before leaving the store Jimin locking the door behind you.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! I know this wasn't too plot-heavy, but I hope you guys liked your time with Jimin! Please let me know what you think and vote if you're enjoying it! :D

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